SfSliderThemeData class

Holds the color and typography values for a SfSliderTheme. Use this class to configure a SfSliderTheme widget, or to set the SfThemeData.sliderThemeData for a SfTheme widget.

To obtain the current theme, use SfSliderTheme.of.

The slider elements are:

  • The "track", which is the rounded rectangle in which the thumb is slides over.
  • The "thumb", which is a shape that slides horizontally when the user drags it.
  • The "active" side of the slider is between the min value and thumb.
  • The "inactive" side of the slider is between the thumb and the max value.
  • The "dividers", which is a shape that renders on the track based on the given interval value.
  • The "ticks", which is a shape that rendered based on given interval value. Basically, it is rendered below the track. It is also called “major ticks”.
  • The "minor ticks", which is a shape that renders between two major ticks based on given minorTicksPerInterval value. Basically, it is rendered below the track.
  • The "labels", which is a text that rendered based on given interval value. Basically, it is rendered below the track and the major ticks.

The slider will be disabled if onChanged is null or min is equal to max.

See also:

Mixed-in types


SfSliderThemeData({Brightness? brightness, double? activeTrackHeight, double? inactiveTrackHeight, Size? tickSize, Size? minorTickSize, Offset? tickOffset, Offset? labelOffset, TextStyle? inactiveLabelStyle, TextStyle? activeLabelStyle, TextStyle? tooltipTextStyle, Color? inactiveTrackColor, Color? activeTrackColor, Color? thumbColor, Color? activeTickColor, Color? inactiveTickColor, Color? disabledActiveTickColor, Color? disabledInactiveTickColor, Color? activeMinorTickColor, Color? inactiveMinorTickColor, Color? disabledActiveMinorTickColor, Color? disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, Color? overlayColor, Color? inactiveDividerColor, Color? activeDividerColor, Color? disabledActiveTrackColor, Color? disabledInactiveTrackColor, Color? disabledActiveDividerColor, Color? disabledInactiveDividerColor, Color? disabledThumbColor, Color? tooltipBackgroundColor, Color? thumbStrokeColor, Color? activeDividerStrokeColor, Color? inactiveDividerStrokeColor, double? trackCornerRadius, double? overlayRadius, double? thumbRadius, double? activeDividerRadius, double? inactiveDividerRadius, double? thumbStrokeWidth, double? activeDividerStrokeWidth, double? inactiveDividerStrokeWidth})
Returns a new instance of SfSliderThemeData.raw for the given values.
SfSliderThemeData.raw({required Brightness brightness, required double activeTrackHeight, required double inactiveTrackHeight, required Size? tickSize, required Size? minorTickSize, required Offset? tickOffset, required Offset? labelOffset, required TextStyle? inactiveLabelStyle, required TextStyle? activeLabelStyle, required TextStyle? tooltipTextStyle, required Color? inactiveTrackColor, required Color? activeTrackColor, required Color? thumbColor, required Color? thumbStrokeColor, required Color? activeDividerStrokeColor, required Color? inactiveDividerStrokeColor, required Color? activeTickColor, required Color? inactiveTickColor, required Color? disabledActiveTickColor, required Color? disabledInactiveTickColor, required Color? activeMinorTickColor, required Color? inactiveMinorTickColor, required Color? disabledActiveMinorTickColor, required Color? disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, required Color? overlayColor, required Color? inactiveDividerColor, required Color? activeDividerColor, required Color? disabledActiveTrackColor, required Color? disabledInactiveTrackColor, required Color? disabledActiveDividerColor, required Color? disabledInactiveDividerColor, required Color? disabledThumbColor, required Color? tooltipBackgroundColor, required double? trackCornerRadius, required double overlayRadius, required double thumbRadius, required double? activeDividerRadius, required double? inactiveDividerRadius, required double? thumbStrokeWidth, required double? activeDividerStrokeWidth, required double? inactiveDividerStrokeWidth})
Create a SfSliderThemeData given a set of exact values. All the values must be specified.


activeDividerColor Color?
Specifies the color for the active dividers in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeDividerRadius double?
Specifies the radius for the active divider in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeDividerStrokeColor Color?
Specifies the stroke color for the active divider in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeDividerStrokeWidth double?
Specifies the stroke width for the active divider in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeLabelStyle TextStyle?
Specifies the appearance for active label in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeMinorTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the active minor ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for active tick. Specifies the color for the active major ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeTrackColor Color?
Specifies the color for active track in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
activeTrackHeight double
Specifies the height for the active track in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
brightness Brightness
Specifies the light and dark theme for the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledActiveDividerColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled active dividers in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledActiveMinorTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled active minor ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledActiveTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled active major ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledActiveTrackColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled active track in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledInactiveDividerColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled inactive dividers in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledInactiveMinorTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled inactive minor ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledInactiveTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled inactive major ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledInactiveTrackColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled inactive track in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
disabledThumbColor Color?
Specifies the color for the disabled thumb in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
inactiveDividerColor Color?
Specifies the color for the inactive dividers in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveDividerRadius double?
Specifies the radius for the inactive divider in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveDividerStrokeColor Color?
Specifies the stroke color for the inactive divider in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveDividerStrokeWidth double?
Specifies the stroke width for the inactive divider in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveLabelStyle TextStyle?
Specifies the appearance for inactive label in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveMinorTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the inactive minor ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveTickColor Color?
Specifies the color for the inactive major ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveTrackColor Color?
Specifies the color for the inactive track in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
inactiveTrackHeight double
Specifies the height for the inactive track in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
labelOffset Offset?
Adjust the space around labels in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
minorTickSize Size?
Specifies the size for the minor ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
overlayColor Color?
Specifies the color for the overlay in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
overlayRadius double
Specifies the radius for the overlay in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
thumbColor Color?
Specifies the color for the thumb in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
thumbRadius double
Specifies the radius for the thumb in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
thumbStrokeColor Color?
Specifies the stroke color for the thumb in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
thumbStrokeWidth double?
Specifies the stroke width for the thumb in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
tickOffset Offset?
Adjust the space around ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
tickSize Size?
Specifies the size for tick. Specifies the size for the major ticks in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
tooltipBackgroundColor Color?
Specifies the color for the tooltip background in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
tooltipTextStyle TextStyle?
Specifies the appearance for the tooltip in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.
trackCornerRadius double?
Specifies the radius for the track corners in the SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector.


copyWith({Brightness? brightness, double? activeTrackHeight, double? inactiveTrackHeight, Size? tickSize, Size? minorTickSize, Offset? tickOffset, Offset? labelOffset, TextStyle? inactiveLabelStyle, TextStyle? activeLabelStyle, TextStyle? tooltipTextStyle, Color? inactiveTrackColor, Color? activeTrackColor, Color? thumbColor, Color? thumbStrokeColor, Color? activeDividerStrokeColor, Color? inactiveDividerStrokeColor, Color? activeTickColor, Color? inactiveTickColor, Color? disabledActiveTickColor, Color? disabledInactiveTickColor, Color? activeMinorTickColor, Color? inactiveMinorTickColor, Color? disabledActiveMinorTickColor, Color? disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, Color? overlayColor, Color? inactiveDividerColor, Color? activeDividerColor, Color? disabledActiveTrackColor, Color? disabledInactiveTrackColor, Color? disabledActiveDividerColor, Color? disabledInactiveDividerColor, Color? disabledThumbColor, Color? activeRegionColor, Color? inactiveRegionColor, Color? tooltipBackgroundColor, double? trackCornerRadius, double? overlayRadius, double? thumbRadius, double? activeDividerRadius, double? inactiveDividerRadius, double? thumbStrokeWidth, double? activeDividerStrokeWidth, double? inactiveDividerStrokeWidth}) SfSliderThemeData
Creates a copy of this theme but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

lerp(SfSliderThemeData? a, SfSliderThemeData? b, double t) SfSliderThemeData?
Linearly interpolate between two themes.