ZoomPanBehavior class

Customizes the zooming options.

Customize the various zooming actions such as tap zooming, selection zooming, zoom pinch. In selection zooming, you can long-press and drag to select a range on the chart to be zoomed in and also you can customize the selection zooming rectangle using selectionRectBorderWidth, selectionRectBorderColor and selectionRectColor properties.

Pinch zooming can be performed by moving two fingers over the chart. Default mode is ZoomMode.xy. Zooming will be stopped after reaching maximumZoomLevel.

Note: This is only applicable for SfCartesianChart.


ZoomPanBehavior.new({bool enablePinching = false, bool enableDoubleTapZooming = false, bool enablePanning = false, bool enableSelectionZooming = false, bool enableMouseWheelZooming = false, ZoomMode zoomMode = ZoomMode.xy, double maximumZoomLevel = 0.01, double selectionRectBorderWidth = 1, Color? selectionRectBorderColor, Color? selectionRectColor})
Creating an argument constructor of ZoomPanBehavior class.


enableDoubleTapZooming bool
Enables or disables the double tap zooming.
enableMouseWheelZooming bool
Enables or disables the mouseWheelZooming.
enablePanning bool
Enables or disables the panning.
enablePinching bool
Enables or disables the pinch zooming.
enableSelectionZooming bool
Enables or disables the selection zooming.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
maximumZoomLevel double
Maximum zoom level.
parentBox RenderBox?
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectionRectBorderColor Color?
Border color of the selection zooming rectangle.
selectionRectBorderWidth double
Border width of the selection zooming rectangle.
selectionRectColor Color?
Color of the selection zooming rectangle.
zoomMode ZoomMode
By default, both the x and y-axes in the chart can be zoomed.


handleDoubleTap(Offset position) → void
Called when pointer tap has contacted the screen double time in behavior.
handleEvent(PointerEvent event, BoxHitTestEntry entry) → void
To customize the necessary pointer events in behaviors. (e.g., CrosshairBehavior, TrackballBehavior, ZoomingBehavior).
handleHorizontalDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) → void
handleHorizontalDragStart(DragStartDetails details) → void
handleHorizontalDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) → void
handleLongPressEnd(LongPressEndDetails details) → void
Called when the pointer stops contacting the screen after a long-press by a primary button in behavior.
handleLongPressMoveUpdate(LongPressMoveUpdateDetails details) → void
Called when moving after the long press gesture by a primary button is recognized in behavior.
handleLongPressStart(LongPressStartDetails details) → void
Called when a long press gesture by a primary button has been recognized in behavior.
handlePointerEnter(PointerEnterEvent details) → void
Called when a pointer or mouse enter on the screen.
handlePointerExit(PointerExitEvent details) → void
Called when a pointer or mouse exit on the screen.
handleScaleEnd(ScaleEndDetails details) → void
Called when the pointers are no longer in contact with the screen.
handleScaleStart(ScaleStartDetails details) → void
Called when the pointers in contact with the screen and initial scale of 1.0.
handleScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails details) → void
Called when the pointers in contact with the screen have indicated a new scale.
handleTapDown(TapDownDetails details) → void
Called when the pointer tap has contacted the screen in behavior.
handleTapUp(TapUpDetails details) → void
Called when pointer has stopped contacting screen in behavior.
handleVerticalDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) → void
handleVerticalDragStart(DragStartDetails details) → void
handleVerticalDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onPaint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset, SfChartThemeData chartThemeData, ThemeData themeData) → void
Called to customize each behaviors with given context at the given offset.
panToDirection(String direction) → void
Pans the plot area for given left, right, top, and bottom directions.
reset() → void
Returns the plot area back to its original position after zooming.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
zoomByFactor(double zoomFactor) → void
Changes the zoom level using zoom factor.
zoomByRect(Rect rect) → void
Zooms the chart for a given rectangle value.
zoomIn() → void
Increases the magnification of the plot area.
zoomOut() → void
Decreases the magnification of the plot area.
zoomToSingleAxis(ChartAxis axis, double zoomPosition, double zoomFactor) → void
Change the zoom level of an appropriate axis.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.