appointmentDisplayCount property

int appointmentDisplayCount

The number of appointments to be displayed in month cell of SfCalendar.

Defaults to 3.

Note: if the appointment count is less than the value set to this property in a particular day, then the month cell will display the appointments according to the number of appointments available on that day.

Appointment indicator will be shown on the basis of date meetings, usable month cell size and indicator count. For eg, if the month cell size is less (available for only 4 dots) and the indicator count is 10, then 4 indicators will be shown

See also:

  • appointmentDisplayMode, which allows to customize the display mode of appointment view in month cells of calendar.
  • showAgenda, which allows to display agenda view as a part of month view in calendar.
  • agendaViewHeight, which is the size for agenda view on month view of calendar.
  • agendaItemHeight, which is the size for every single appointment view in agenda view of month view in calendar.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Container(
     child: SfCalendar(
       view: CalendarView.month,
       monthViewSettings: MonthViewSettings(
          dayFormat: 'EEE',
          numberOfWeeksInView: 4,
          appointmentDisplayCount: 2,
          appointmentDisplayMode: MonthAppointmentDisplayMode.appointment,
          showAgenda: false,
          navigationDirection: MonthNavigationDirection.horizontal),


final int appointmentDisplayCount;