swipe_refresh library


Refresh indicator widget with Cupertino style. stateStream - indicator state(SwipeRefreshState.loading or SwipeRefreshState.hidden). onRefresh - callback invoked when pulled by refreshTriggerPullDistance. children - list of any widgets. childrenDelegate - pass the inheritor to SliverChildDelegate to avoid creating more children than are visible through the Viewport. initState - initialization state(SwipeRefreshState.loading or SwipeRefreshState.hidden). padding - passed to add SliverPadding. scrollController - ScrollController for CustomScrollView. shrinkWrap - Whether the extent of the scroll view should be determined by the contents being viewed(default - false). refreshTriggerPullDistance - The amount of overscroll the scrollable must be dragged to trigger a reload(default - defaultRefreshTriggerPullDistance). refreshIndicatorExtent - amount of space the refresh indicator sliver will keep holding while onRefresh is still running. indicatorBuilder - builder that's called as this sliver's size changes, and as the state changes(default - CupertinoSliverRefreshControl.buildRefreshIndicator). keyboardDismissBehavior - ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior the defines how this ScrollView will dismiss the keyboard automatically. (if == null it will be ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.onDrag). physics - defines the physics of the scroll(if == null it will be AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics).
Refresh indicator widget with Material Design style. stateStream - indicator state(SwipeRefreshState.loading or SwipeRefreshState.hidden). onRefresh - function that's called when the user has dragged the refresh indicator far enough to demonstrate that they want the app to refresh. indicatorColor - progress indicator's foreground color (default - ColorScheme.primary). children - list of any widgets. childrenDelegate - pass the inheritor to SliverChildDelegate to avoid creating more children than are visible through the Viewport. initState - initialization state(SwipeRefreshState.loading or SwipeRefreshState.hidden). backgroundColor - progress indicator's background color (default - Color(0xFFFFFFFF)). scrollController - ScrollController for ListView. padding - corresponds to having a SliverPadding in the CustomScrollView.slivers property instead of the list itself, and having the SliverList instead be a child of the SliverPadding. shrinkWrap - Whether the extent of the scroll view should be determined by the contents being viewed(default - false). keyboardDismissBehavior - ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior the defines how this ScrollView will dismiss the keyboard automatically. (if == null it will be ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual). physics - defines the physics of the scroll(if == null it will be AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics).
Refresh indicator widget.


Refresh indicator states.
Indicator style.