AxisBoundedSelection class abstract

Describes a SelectionWithEdges in which is completely bounded in one Axis and partially or no bounded in the other axis (called here cross-axis).

Since it subclasses an one dimensional Range, start and end act as the edges (RangeEdge) in the main axis

Implemented types
Available extensions


AxisBoundedSelection.crossAxisPartiallyBounded({required Axis axis, required RangeEdge anchorEdge, required int start, required int end, required RangeEdge crossAxisBoundedEdge, required int crossAxisBound})
Creates a AxisBoundedSelection in which the opposite axis to axis is partially bounded, this means that at least the and or start edges of that axis should be provided.
AxisBoundedSelection.crossAxisUnbounded({required Axis axis, required RangeEdge anchorEdge, required int start, required int end})
Creates a AxisBoundedSelection in which the opposite axis to axis is unbounded in both edges.


anchor int
The edge that should include anchorCoordinate. anchor is the origin of a selection, it is the edge that should remain unchanged in an expansion operation.
no setteroverride
anchorCoordinate → IntVector2
The anchorCoordinate is the first coordinate of the given anchor column/row.
no setteroverride
anchorEdge RangeEdge
Defines with RangeEdge of the bounded axis represents the anchor.
axis Axis
The axis completely bounded by start ad end.
bottom int?
no setteroverride
crossAxisBound int?
A dimensional index in the cross axis that defines one of its edges (as on crossAxisBoundedEdge.
crossAxisBoundedEdge RangeEdge?
Specified by AxisBoundedSelection.crossAxisPartiallyBounded defines which edge of the crossAxis crossAxisBound represents.
end int
focus int
The edge that should include focusCoordinate. Focus should correspond the edge that should be changed in a expansion operation.
no setteroverride
focusCoordinate → IntVector2
The focusCoordinate is the first coordinate of the given focus column/row.
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setter
isNil bool
If this is a range with no elements
no setterinherited
isNotNil bool
If this is a range with any element
no setterinherited
iterable Iterable<int>
no setterinherited
left int?
no setteroverride
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
start int
style SelectionStyle?
no setterinherited
top int?
no setteroverride


bound({required Range2D to}) → Range2D

Available on Selection, provided by the SelectionMethods extension

Bound a Selection to a Range2D.
clone() → Range
Create a identical range
contains(Object? position) bool
Verifies if a given position is contained within the range
containsRange(Range otherRange) bool
Defines if this range contains otherRange entirely
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
overlaps(Range otherRange) bool
Defines if this range overlaps otherRange
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator &(Range otherRange) → Range
Gets the intersection between two ranges, range nil if they don't intersect
operator +(Range otherRange) → RangeCompactList
Performs a union with another range merge if overlaps
operator -(Range otherRange) → RangeCompactList
Return all the elements on the this range that is not present on the otherRange.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator |(Range otherRange) → Range
Stretches and merges two ranges including all possible non covered spaces between them