raw_drag_drop library
- BaseDropEvent
- DragConfiguration
- DragContext
- DragContextDelegate
- DragItem
- DragRequest
- DragSession
- Represents a drag session. Allows inspecting local drag data and provides notifications about drag state changes.
- DropContext
- DropContextDelegate
- DropEvent
- DropItem
- ItemPreview
- ItemPreviewRequest
- LongPressHandler
- MenuPreviewWidget
- MultiTouchDetector
- PointerDeviceKindDetector
- SingleDrag
- SingleDragDelayedGestureRecognizer
- SingleDragEndDetails
- SingleDragGestureRecognizer
- SingleDragUpdateDetails
- TargetedWidgetSnapshot
- Image representation of part of user interface.
- WidgetSnapshot
- Represents a snapshot of widget.
- DropOperation
- Represents result of a drag & drop operation.
- DevicePixelRatio on Image
- Extension on image that allows to store device pixel ratio alongside the image itself.