mapEventToState method

@Deprecated - Use on

Must be implemented when a class extends Bloc. mapEventToState is called whenever an event is added and is responsible for converting that event into a new state. mapEventToState can yield zero, one, or multiple states for an event.


Stream<ResetPasswordState> mapEventToState(
  ResetPasswordEvent event,
) async* {
  if (event is ResetPasswordButtonTapEvent) {
    yield ResetPasswordLoading();
    final response =
        await controller.resetPasswordByPhone(phone:;
    if (response.ok) {
      yield ResetPasswordLoadSuccess(response);
    yield ResetPasswordLoadFailure(
        errorMessage: response.message ?? 'An unknown error occurred.');
  if (event is ResetPasswordEmailButtonTapEvent) {
    yield ResetPasswordLoading();
    final response =
        await controller.resetPasswordByEmail(model: event.model);
    if (response.ok) {
      yield ResetPasswordLoadSuccess(response);
    yield ResetPasswordLoadFailure(
        errorMessage: response.message ?? 'An unknown error occurred.');