super_drag_and_drop library
- BaseDraggableWidget
- This is the most basic draggable widget. It gives you complete control over creating of the drag session.
T extends Object> -
T extends Object> - Base class for formats of data transferred to clipboard and drag & drop. This branches into ValueFormat for data values that need to be converted from and to platform specific formats (such as plain text, HTML snippet, uri) and FileFormat representing files that are processed without conversion (i.e. PNG, JPEG).
- DisplayWidgetSnapshot
- DragConfiguration
- Initial configuration of a drag session.
- DragConfigurationItem
- Single item of DragConfiguration consisting of drag item and corresponding image.
- DraggableWidget
- Widget that represents user-draggable area. By default the widget will look for DragItemWidget in parent widget hierarchy in order to provide data for the drag session.
- DragItem
- Represent single item being dragged in a DragSession.
- DragItemRequest
- DragItemWidget
- Widget that provides DragItem for a DraggableWidget.
- DragItemWidgetState
- DragOptions
- Additional options for drag session.
- DragSession
- Represents a drag session. Allows inspecting local drag data and provides notifications about drag state changes.
- DropEvent
- Base drop event containing only DropSession with no additional information.
- DropItem
- Single item being dropped in a DropSession.
- DropItemPreview
- DropItemPreviewRequest
- Requests for providing target preview for item being dropped.
- DropMonitor
- Widget that can monitor drag events over the entire Flutter view.
- DropOverEvent
- Drop event sent when dragging over DropRegion before the drop.
- DropPosition
- Position for drop event.
- DropRegion
- Widget to which data can be dropped.
- DropSession
- Allows querying the state of drop session such as the items being dropped and allowed drop operations.
- EncodedData
- Clipboard data in platform specific format. Do not use directly.
- FileFormat
- Base format class for files that are in standardized formats and processed without conversion (i.e. PNG, JPEG).
- Formats
- MonitorDropOverEvent
- Event sent to DropMonitors when dragging anywhere over the application.
- NamedUri
- PerformDropEvent
- Drop event sent when user performs drop.
T extends Object> - Platform specific codec for a data format.
- PlatformDataProvider
- SnapshotSettings
- Wrapper widget that allows customizing snapshot settings.
- TargetedWidgetSnapshot
- Image representation of part of user interface.
T extends Object> - Format for values that need to be converted from and to platform specific formats (such as plain text, HTML snippet, uri).
- WidgetSnapshot
- Represents a snapshot of widget.
- WidgetSnapshotter
- WidgetSnapshotterState
- DropOperation
- Represents result of a drag & drop operation.
- RenderObjectType
Type of render object produced by DropRegion and
- DevicePixelRatio on Image
- Extension on image that allows to store device pixel ratio alongside the image itself.
= Future<
List< Function(Offset position, DragSession session)DragConfigurationItem> ?> -
T> = FutureOr< T> Function() - Callback to obtain data lazily. See DataFormat.lazy;
= Future<
DragConfiguration?> Function(Offset position, DragSession session) -
= FutureOr<
DragItem?> Function(DragItemRequest) -
= List<
DragItemWidgetState> Function(BuildContext context) - LocationIsDraggable = bool Function(Offset position)
= FutureOr<
List< Function(List<DragConfigurationItem> ?>DragConfigurationItem> items, DragSession session) -
= FutureOr<
DragConfiguration?> Function(DragConfiguration configuration, DragSession session) -
= FutureOr<
DropItemPreview?> Function(DropSession session, DropItemPreviewRequest request) - Allows customizing drop animation on macOS and iOS.
- PlatformFormat = String
- Platform specific name for data format. For example value for plain text for macOS and iOS would be 'public.utf8-plain-text', for android, Linux and web 'text/plain' and for windows 'NativeShell_CF_13', which maps to CF_UNICODETEXT (value of 13).
- Translation = Offset Function(Rect rect, Offset dragPosition)