SupaEnvironment extension

Extension on DotEnv to provide convenient access to environment variables.

  • DotEnv


azureClientId String?

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Azure AD client ID from the environment variables.
no setter
azureObjectId String?

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Azure AD client secret from the environment variables.
no setter
azureRedirectUri String?

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Azure AD redirect URI from the environment variables.
no setter
azureTenantId String?

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Azure AD tenant ID from the environment variables.
no setter
baseApiUrl String

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the base API URL from the environment variables.
no setter
googleRecaptchaAndroidKey String?

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Google reCAPTCHA site key from the environment variables.
no setter
googleRecaptchaIosKey String?

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Google reCAPTCHA site key from the environment variables.
no setter
sentryDsn String

Available on DotEnv, provided by the SupaEnvironment extension

Gets the Sentry DSN from the environment variables.
no setter