StringXX extension



first String?

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

no setter
isBlank bool

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

no setter
isNotBlank bool

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

no setter
isNumeric bool

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

no setter


capitalize() String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

pluralize([int count = 2]) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

pluralizeIf(bool condition) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

removeAll(Pattern pattern) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

removeNewlines() String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

toCamelCase() String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

toSnakeCase() String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

trimAround(dynamic characters, {bool trimStart = true, bool trimEnd = true, bool trimWhitespace = true}) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

trimEnd(dynamic characters, {bool trimWhitespace = true}) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

trimStart(dynamic characters, {bool trimWhitespace = true}) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

truncate(int length) String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension

uncapitalize() String

Available on String, provided by the StringXX extension