between(num low, num upper)
→ double
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
formatBytes({String formatBytes(num v, int power) = _Numbers._defaultFormatBytes})
→ String
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
→ String
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
→ String
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
normalize(double end, [double start = 0, int roundTo = 6])
→ double
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
notZero([double alt = 0.00001])
→ double
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
repeat(void forEach())
→ void
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
roundTo([int places = 4])
→ double
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
sort(num other)
→ Tuple<num, num>
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension
→ int
Available on num,
provided by the NumXX extension