ScrollbarThemeData class

Defines default property values for descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.

Descendant widgets obtain the current ScrollbarThemeData object with ScrollbarTheme.of(context). Instances of ScrollbarThemeData can be customized with ScrollbarThemeData.copyWith.

Typically the ScrollbarThemeData of a ScrollbarTheme is specified as part of the overall MacosTheme with MacosThemeData.scrollbarTheme.

All ScrollbarThemeData properties are null by default. When null, the MacosScrollbar computes its own default values.

See also:

  • MacosThemeData, which describes the overall theme information for the application.
Mixed in types


ScrollbarThemeData({double? thickness, double? hoveringThickness, bool? showTrackOnHover, bool? isAlwaysShown, Radius? radius, Color? thumbColor, Color? hoveringThumbColor, Color? draggingThumbColor, Color? trackColor, Color? hoveringTrackColor, Color? trackBorderColor, Color? hoveringTrackBorderColor, double? crossAxisMargin, double? mainAxisMargin, double? minThumbLength, bool? interactive})
Creates a theme that can be used for MacosThemeData.scrollbarTheme.


crossAxisMargin double?
Overrides the default value of the ScrollbarPainter.crossAxisMargin property in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
draggingThumbColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar thumb in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets when dragging is active.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
hoveringThickness double?
Overrides the default value of MacosScrollbar.hoverThickness in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgtes when hovering is active.
hoveringThumbColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar thumb in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets when hovering is active.
hoveringTrackBorderColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar track border when showTrackOnHover is true in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets when hovering is active.
hoveringTrackColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar track when showTrackOnHover is true in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets when hovering is active.
interactive bool?
Overrides the default value of MacosScrollbar.interactive in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
isAlwaysShown bool?
Overrides the default value of MacosScrollbar.isAlwaysShown in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
mainAxisMargin double?
Overrides the default value of the ScrollbarPainter.mainAxisMargin property in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
minThumbLength double?
Overrides the default value of the ScrollbarPainter.minLength property in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
radius Radius?
Overrides the default value of MacosScrollbar.radius in all descendant widgets.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showTrackOnHover bool?
Overrides the default value of MacosScrollbar.showTrackOnHover in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
thickness double?
Overrides the default value of MacosScrollbar.thickness in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
thumbColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar thumb in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
trackBorderColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar track border when showTrackOnHover is true in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.
trackColor Color?
Overrides the default Color of the MacosScrollbar track when showTrackOnHover is true in all descendant MacosScrollbar widgets.


copyWith({double? thickness, double? hoveringThickness, bool? showTrackOnHover, bool? isAlwaysShown, bool? interactive, Radius? radius, Color? thumbColor, Color? hoveringThumbColor, Color? draggingThumbColor, Color? trackColor, Color? hoveringTrackColor, Color? trackBorderColor, Color? hoveringTrackBorderColor, double? crossAxisMargin, double? mainAxisMargin, double? minThumbLength}) ScrollbarThemeData
Creates a copy of this object with the given fields replaced with the new values.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
merge(ScrollbarThemeData? other) ScrollbarThemeData
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

lerp(ScrollbarThemeData? a, ScrollbarThemeData? b, double t) ScrollbarThemeData
Linearly interpolate between two Scrollbar themes.