BuildContextRichText extension
- on
- richText → RichTextBuilder
Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextRichText extension
no setter
RichTextBuild builder) → Widget -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextRichText extension
{String? text, TextStyle? baseStyle, bool? inherit, TextAlign? align, bool? centerAlign, bool? leftAlign, bool? rightAlign, bool? softWrap, bool? nowrap, Color? color, Color? backgroundColor, double? fontSize, FontWeight? fontWeight, int? fontWeightInt, bool? weightBlack, bool? weightBold, bool? weightLight, FontStyle? fontStyle, double? letterSpacing, double? wordSpacing, TextBaseline? textBaseline, double? height, TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, Locale? locale, Paint? foreground, Paint? background, List< Shadow> ? shadows, List<FontFeature> ? fontFeatures, TextDecoration? decoration, Color? decorationColor, TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle, double? decorationThickness, String? debugLabel, String? fontFamily, List<String> ? fontFamilyFallback, String? package, TextOverflow? overflow, bool? clip, bool? fade, bool? ellipses, FutureBuildCallback? gesture, int? maxLines, double? widgetHeight}) → RichTextBuilder -
Available on BuildContext, provided by the BuildContextRichText extension