ValueStreamIterableExtensions<X> extension



isNotEmpty bool
no setter
length int
no setter


combineWith(Iterable<ValueStream<Iterable<X>>> others, [String? debugName]) ValueStream<Iterable<X>>
expandEach<R>(Iterable<R> expander(X input)) ValueStream<Iterable<R>>
filteredBy<R>(ValueStream<R> other, bool filter(X item, R? other)) ValueStream<Iterable<X>>
Filters this stream using a result of another stream. This allows us to apply the filter when either the filtering source changes or the original list changes.
filterItems(bool predicate(X input)?) ValueStream<Iterable<X>>
followedBy(ValueStream<Iterable<X>> other) ValueStream<Iterable<X>>
mapEach<R>(R mapper(X input)) ValueStream<Iterable<R>>