zklogin/zklogin library


zkLoginSignature → BCS


base64UrlCharTo6Bits(String base64UrlChar) List<int>
base64UrlStringToBitVector(String base64UrlString) List<int>
computeZkLoginAddressFromSeed(BigInt addressSeed, String iss) String
decodeBase64URL(String s, int i) String
extractClaimValue<R>(Claim claim, String claimName) → R
findFirstNonZeroIndex(Uint8List bytes) int
getZkLoginSignature(ZkLoginSignature signature) String
getZkLoginSignatureBytes(ZkLoginSignature signature) Uint8List
parseZkLoginSignature(Uint8List signature) ZkLoginDeserializedSignature
toBigEndianBytes(BigInt num, int width) Uint8List
Derive bytearray from num where the bytearray is not padded with 0.
toPaddedBigEndianBytes(BigInt num, int width) Uint8List
Derive bytearray from num where the bytearray is padded to the left with 0s to the specified width.
toZkLoginPublicIdentifier(BigInt addressSeed, String iss) ZkLoginPublicIdentifier
verifyExtendedClaim(String claim) → (dynamic, dynamic)