collection_aggregate library Collection

Utilities for aggregating and sorting collections.

This includes:

Most functions in this library produce a new collection rather than modify the collection in-place.

See sugar.collection for other non-aggregating collection utilities.


A namespace for functions that group an Iterable's elements.
Order<E, T extends Comparable<Object>>
A namespace for functions that order an Iterable's elements.
A namespace for functions that split an Iterable's elements.


AggregateComparableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides ordering functions for Iterables of Comparables.
AggregateIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides aggregate functions for Iterables.
AggregateNumberIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides aggregate functions for Iterables of nums.
GroupableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for grouping an Iterable's elements.
OrderableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for ordering an Iterable.
SplittableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for splitting an Iterable into parts.