bodyIs function

Matcher bodyIs(
  1. dynamic bodyOrMatcher

bodyIs checks the response body.

if bodyOrMatcher is matcher bodyIs creates a _CustomBodyMatcher instance, else creates _BodyMatcher instance and checks the response body with these matchers.


tester("/path/to" , bodyIs({"hello" : "world"}))

native equals:

//.. get response
test(response.body, eq({"hello" : "world"}))

OR use with matcher

tester("/path/to" , bodyIs(contains("hello")))

native equals:

//.. get response
test(response.body, contains("hello"))


Matcher bodyIs(dynamic bodyOrMatcher) {
  if (bodyOrMatcher is Matcher) {
    return _CustomBodyMatcher._(bodyOrMatcher);
  return _BodyMatcher._(bodyOrMatcher);