stubble library


backSlash → const int
code of special characters
closeBracket → const int
dollar → const int
dot → const int
enter → const int
eos → const int
equal → const int
errorBlockNameWrongSpecified → const int
errorCallingHelper → const int
errorCharNotAOpenBracket → const int
types of errors
errorChartNotACloseBracket → const int
errorGettingAttribute → const int
errorHelperUnregistered → const int
errorIfBlockConditionMalformed → const int
errorIfBlockMalformed → const int
errorNotAValidBlockNameChar → const int
errorNotAValidPathChar → const int
errorNumberAttributeMalformed → const int
errorPathNotSpecified → const int
errorPathWrongSpecified → const int
errorStringAttributeMalformed → const int
errorUnexpectedEndOfSource → const int
errorUnsupportedNotify → const int
errorUnterminatedBlock → const int
errorWithDataMalformed → const int
errorWrongDataSequenceCharacter → const int
errorWrongSequenceCharacter → const int
exclMark → const int
less → const int
more → const int
notifyAttrResult → const int
notifyBlockEndResult → const int
notifyConditionResult → const int
notifyIsBlockHelperSequence → const int
notifyIsBlockSequence → const int
notifyIsDataSequence → const int
notifyIsEqchBlockSequence → const int
notifyIsHelperSequence → const int
notifyIsIfBlockSequence → const int
notifyIsWithSequence → const int
notifyNameResult → const int
notifyPathResult → const int
notifySecondCloseBracketFound → const int
notifySecondOpenBracketFound → const int
types of notify messages
openBracket → const int
quote → const int
sharp → const int
singleQuote → const int
slash → const int
space → const int
underscore → const int