IndexedIterableExtension<T> extension

Adds functionality to iterable

map2 and map3 are the same as map but with the index given to you in the transformer
forEach2 and forEach3 are the same as forEach but with the index given to you in the transformer



forEach2<Y>(void transformer(T value, int index)) → void

Available on Iterable<T>, provided by the IndexedIterableExtension extension

normal forEach with the current index given to you in the transformer

forEach2 is the same as forEach but with the index given to you in the transformer
forEach3<Y>(void transformer(T value, int index, Iterable<T> list)) → void

Available on Iterable<T>, provided by the IndexedIterableExtension extension

foreach with the iterable being looped given to you in the transformer.

forEach3 is the same as forEach but with the index given to you in the transformer
map2<Y>(Y transformer(T value, int index)) Iterable<Y>

Available on Iterable<T>, provided by the IndexedIterableExtension extension

normal map function with the current index given to you in the transformer
map2 is the same as map but with the index given to you in the transformer
map3<Y>(Y transformer(T value, int index, Iterable<T> list)) Iterable<Y>

Available on Iterable<T>, provided by the IndexedIterableExtension extension

map an iterable with the iterable given to you in the transformer

map3 is the same as map but with the index given to you in the transformer