stroke_order_animator library

This package implements stroke order animations and quizzes of Chinese characters based on the Make me a Hanzi data.

Integrating this package into your app is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Download stroke order data via downloadStrokeOrder
  2. Pass the retrieved data to StrokeOrder
  3. Pass the StrokeOrder to a StrokeOrderAnimationController
  4. Pass the StrokeOrderAnimationController to a StrokeOrderAnimator

The first step can be skipped for offline usage. In this case, the stroke order data must be passed to the StrokeOrder constructor directly as JSON. All stroke order data can be downloaded from here. Data for single characters can be downloaded through the Hanzi Writer Data project, e.g., via我.json.

The StrokeOrderAnimationController handles the animation state and serves as an interface between your app and the stroke order animation. All attributes and actions of the stroke order diagram are controlled via the StrokeOrderAnimationController and can be changed anytime using the respective setter methods. The StrokeOrderAnimator displays the actual stroke order diagram.


Information about a stroke order quiz.
Represents the stroke order of a character.
A ChangeNotifier that controls the behavior of a stroke order diagram.
A widget for displaying a stroke order diagram.


downloadStrokeOrder(String character, Client client) Future<String>
Downloads stroke order data for a single character.