stripe_sdk_ui library
UI widgets, screens and helpers for Stripe and Stripe SDK.
- AddPaymentMethodScreen
- A screen that collects, creates and attaches a payment method to a stripe customer.
- CardCvcFormField
- Form field to edit a credit card CVC code, with validation
- CardExpiryFormField
- Form field to edit a credit card expiration date, with validation.
- CardForm
- Basic form to add or edit a credit card, with complete validation.
- CardNumberFormField
- Form field to edit a credit card number, with validation.
- CheckoutPage
- IntentClientSecret
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentMethodSelector
- PaymentMethodsList
- PaymentMethodsScreen
- PaymentMethodStore
- A managed repository for payment methods. This is the preferred way to work with payment methods when using Flutter. The store will only refresh itself if there are active listeners.
- StripeCard
- StripeUiOptions
= Future<
IntentClientSecret> Function(int amount) -
= Future<
IntentClientSecret> Function() - OnPaymentMethodSelected = void Function(String?)