stripe_api library
- AuBecsDebit
- AubecsDebit data associated with the payment method
- BacsDebit
- BacsDebit data associated with the payment method
- BankAccountToken
- BillingAddress
- BillingDetails
- Billing information associated with the payment method.
- BillingDetailsFields
- CardElementChangeEvent
- CardElementChangeEventValue
- CardElementClasses
- CardElementOptions
- CardPaymentMethod
- Card data associated with the payment method
- CardPaymentMethodDetails
- CardToken
- CardTokenPaymentMethod
- ConfirmAcssDebitPaymentData
- ConfirmAcssDebitPaymentOptions
- ConfirmAlipayPaymentData
- ConfirmAlipayPaymentOptions
- ConfirmCardPaymentData
- ConfirmCardPaymentOptions
- ConfirmCardSetupData
- ConfirmCardSetupOptions
- ConfirmIdealPaymentData
- ConfirmIdealPaymentOptions
- ConfirmPaymentOptions
- ConfirmPaymentParams
- ConfirmSepaDebitPaymentData
- ConfirmSepaDebitSetupData
- CreatePaymentMethodData
- CreateTokenBankAccountData
- CreateTokenCardData
- CreateTokenPIIData
- Element
- ElementAppearance
- Appareance options for the Payment Element and other elements.
- Elements
- Fpx
- Ideal
- Ideal data associated with the payment method
- IdealBankData
- An object detailing the customer's iDEAL bank.
- IdealPaymentMethodDetails
- IdPaymentMethodDetails
- PaymentElementAddressFields
- PaymentElementBillingDetails
- PaymentElementBillingDetailsAddress
- PaymentElementBusiness
- PaymentElementChangeEvent
- PaymentElementChangeEventValue
- PaymentElementDefaultValues
- PaymentElementFields
- PaymentElementLayout
- Specify the layout for the Payment Element. If you only pass a layout type ('accordion' or ‘tabs’) without any additional parameters, t he Payment Element renders using that layout and the default values associated with it.
- PaymentElementOptions
- PaymentElementShippingDetails
- PaymentIntent
- A PaymentIntent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer. We recommend that you create exactly one PaymentIntent for each order or customer session in your system.
- PaymentIntentAmountDetails
- PaymentIntentAutomaticPaymentMethods
- PaymentIntentResponse
- PaymentIntentTip
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentMethod objects represent your customer's payment instruments. You can use them with PaymentIntents to collect payments or save them to Customer objects to store instrument details for future payments.
- PaymentMethodData
- Generic payment method data object that holds the billingdetails.
- PaymentMethodDataAfterPay
- Payment method data object for Afterpay / clearpay payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataAubecs
- Payment method data object for Aubecs payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataCardFromMethod
- Payment method data object for card from payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataCardFromToken
- Payment method data object for card with token payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataFpx
- Payment method data object for Fpx payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataIdeal
- Payment method data object for ideal payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataSepa
- Payment method data object for Sepa debit payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataSofort
- Payment method data object for Sofort payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataUsBank
- Payment method data object forUsbankaccount payment method.
- PaymentMethodDetails
- Abstraction for details of a payment method. In general this can be just the identifier of the payment method, or be a class that contains more information depending on the payment type.
- PaymentMethodParams
- Parameters that specify the desired configuration of a specific payment method.
- PaymentMethodResponse
- SepaBillingDetails
- Billing information associated with the payment method.
- SepaDebit
- SepaDebit data associated with the payment method
- SepaDebitIbanData
- SepaDebitPaymentMethodDetails
- SetupIntent
- A SetupIntent guides you through the process of setting up and saving a customer's payment credentials for future payments. For example, you could use a SetupIntent to set up and save your customer's card without immediately collecting a payment. Later, you can use PaymentIntents to drive the payment flow.
- SetupIntentResponse
- ShippingDetails
- ShippingDetailsAddress
- Sofort
- Sofort data associated with the payment method
- StripeError
- Token
- Tokenization is the process Stripe uses to collect sensitive card or bank account details, or personally identifiable information (PII), directly from your customers in a secure manner. A token representing this information is returned to your server to use. You should use our recommended payments integrations to perform this process client-side. T his ensures that no sensitive card data touches your server, and allows your integration to operate in a PCI-compliant way.
- TokenResponse
- Upi
- Upi data associated with the payment method.
- UsBankAccount
- Data associated with the payment method Us bank account.
- BankAccountHolderType
- BankAccountStatus
- CardElementIconStyle
- CardFundingType
- CardTokenBrand
- CardTokenizationMethod
- ElementAppearanceLabels
- Enables switching between labels above form fields and floating labels within the form fields
- ElementTheme
- PaymentConfirmationRedirect
- By default, stripe.confirmPayment will always redirect to your return_url after a successful confirmation. If you set redirect: "if_required", then stripe.confirmPayment will only redirect if your user chooses a redirect-based payment method.
- PaymentElementFieldRequired
- PaymentElementLayoutType
- PaymentIntentCancellationReason
- Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned) or generated by Stripe internally (failed_invoice, void_invoice, or automatic).
- PaymentIntentCaptureMethod
- Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account.
- PaymentIntentConfirmationMethod
- PaymentIntentSetupFutureUsage
- PaymentIntentsStatus
- Status of the payment intent.
- PaymentMethodType
- The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
- SetupIntentCancellationReason
- Reason for cancellation of this SetupIntent, either user-provided (duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned) or generated by Stripe internally (failed_invoice, void_invoice, or automatic).
- SetupIntentFlowDirections
- Indicates the directions of money movement for which this payment method is intended to be used.
- SetupIntentsStatus
- Status of the setup intent.
- SetupIntentUsage
- TokenType
- UsBankAccountHolderType
- UsBankAccountType
- VerificationCheck
- paymentMethodDetailJsonKey → const JsonKey
- JSON key for the payment method details.