Strings class

A set of String utility functions that aim to extend the set of functions available the core String class as well as provding safe methods when working with nullable Strings. A Strings method will never thrown an NPE and aims to provide the expected result by treating the null as an empty String or a space filled String where a range access is applied.

The same approach is applied for non-null Strings when the strings length would result in a RangeError; Instead we pad the String to ensure code returns the expected length String and you code keesp running rather than crashing.


Strings.substring(null, 2,3);
-> ' '


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

abbreviate(String? string, int maxWidth, {int offset = 0}) String
Methods that deal with parts of a string. Abbreviate a string to maxWidth by truncating the string and adding '...' to the truncated string.
allMatches(String? pattern, String string, [int start = 0]) Iterable<Match>
Refer to String.allMatches
codeUnitAt(String? string, int index) int
Refer to Safe.codeUnitAt
codeUnits(String? string) List<int>
Refer to String.codeUnits
compareTo(String? string, String? other, {bool nullIsLessThan = true}) int
Refer to Safe.compareTo
contains(String? string, Pattern other, [int startIndex = 0]) bool
Refer to Safe.contains
endsWith(String? string, String? other) bool
Refer to Safe.endsWith
equals(String? lhs, String? rhs) bool
Safely compares two nullable strings.
equalsIgnoreCase(String? lhs, String? rhs) bool
Compare two nullable strings ignoring case.
hidePart(String? string, {int start = 0, int? end, String replaceWith = '*'}) String
Obscures part of string by replace the characters between start (inclusive) and end exclusive with replaceWith
indexOf(String? string, Pattern pattern, [int start = 0]) int
Refer to Safe.indexOf
isAscii(String? string) bool
returns true if string only contains ascii characters. (0 - 128)
isBlank(String? string) bool
Returns true if the string is null or Blank.
isDigits(String? string) bool
returns true if string only contains digits
isEmpty(String? string) bool
true if the string is null, or is a zero length String
isLowerCase(String? string) bool
Returns true if string does not contain upper case letters
isNotBlank(String? string) bool
Returns true if the string is not null and not Blank.
isNotEmpty(String? string) bool
true if the string is not null and is not a zero length String
isNumeric(String? string) bool
Checks if string is a number by attempting to parse it as a double.
isPrintable(int? character) bool
Returns true if character is a printable ascii character.
isUpperCase(String? string) bool
Returns true if string does not contain any lower case letters.
isWhitespace(String string) bool
returns true if the string only contains whitespace characters. We use the same definition of whitespace as String.trim.
isWhitespaceRune(int rune) bool
returns true if the rune is a whitespace characters. We use the same definition of whitespace as String.trim.
join(List<Object?>? list, {String separator = '', bool excludeEmpty = false}) String
Returns the joined elements of the list.
lastIndexOf(String? string, Pattern pattern, [int? start]) int
Refer to Safe.lastIndexOf
left(String? string, int take, {Pad pad = Pad.none}) String
Returns left most take characters from string.
length(String? string) int
Refer to String.length
matchAsPrefix(String? pattern, String string, [int start = 0]) Match?
Refer to Safe.matchAsPrefix
orElse(String? string, String elsestring) String
If string is not null, then return string If string is null the elsestring is returned
orElseCall(String? string, String elsestring()) String
If string is not null, then return string If string is null, calls elsestring and return the result.
orElseOnBlank(String? string, String elseString) String
If the string is not blank then we return string otherwise we return elseString
padLeft(String? string, int width, [String padding = ' ']) String
Refer to Safe.padLeft
padRight(String? string, int width, [String padding = ' ']) String
Refer to Safe.padRight
replaceAll(String? string, Pattern from, String replace) String
Refer to Safe.replaceAll
replaceAllMapped(String? string, Pattern from, String replace(Match match)) String
Refer to Safe.replaceAllMapped
replaceFirst(String? string, Pattern from, String to, [int startIndex = 0]) String
Refer to Safe.replaceFirst
replaceFirstMapped(String? string, Pattern from, String replace(Match match), [int startIndex = 0]) String
Refer to Safe.replaceFirstMapped
replaceRange(String? string, int start, int? end, String replacement) String
Refer to Safe.replaceRange
reverse(String? string) String
Returns a string with reversed order of characters.
Returns the right most take characters from string.
runes(String? string) Runes
Refer to String.runes
split(String? string, Pattern pattern) List<String>
Refer to Safe.split
splitMapJoin(String? string, Pattern pattern, {String onMatch(Match)?, String onNonMatch(String)?}) String
Refer to Safe.splitMapJoin
startsWith(String? string, Pattern pattern, [int index = 0]) bool
Refer to Safe.startsWith
startsWithLowerCase(String? string) bool
Returns true if string starts with the lower case character.
startsWithUpperCase(String? string) bool
Returns true if the string starts with the upper case character.
substring(String? string, int start, [int? end]) String
Refer to Safe.substring
toCamelCase(String? string, {bool lower = false}) String
Returns string in the form "UpperCamelCase" or "lowerCamelCase".
toCapitalised(String? string) String
Returns string with the first character capitalized.
toEmpty(String? string) String
If string is null we return a zero length string otherwise we return string.
toEscaped(String? string, {String encode(int charCode)?}) String
Returns an escaped string.
toLowerCase(String? string) String
Refer to Safe.toLowerCase
toPrintable(String? string) String
Returns an escaped string.
toProperCase(String? sentence) String
Converts sentence to proper case by capitalising the first letter of each word and forcing all other characters to lower case.
toSnakeCase(String? string) String
Converts string to snake_case by inserting an underscore before each sequence of upper case letters and changing all upper case letters to lowercase.
toUnicode(int? charCode) String
Returns an Unicode representation of the character code.
toUpperCase(String? string) String
Refer to Safe.toUpperCase
trim(String? string) String
Refer to Safe.trim
trimLeft(String? string) String
Refer to Safe.trimLeft
trimRight(String? string) String
Refer to Safe.trimRight
upTo(String string, String delimiter) String
Returns the left most part of a string upto, but not including, the delimiter
within(String string, String left, String right) String
Returns the string bounded by the left and right delimiters. Throws an ArgumentError exception if either of the delimiters are missing. If there are nested delimiters we return the outer most delimiters.