StringEx extension

Provides a set of extensions for the core String class.



abbreviate(int maxWidth, {int offset = 0}) String
Abbreviate a string to maxWidth by truncating the string and adding '...' to then truncated string. If offset is passed then the we begin abbreviating from that index into the string.
equalsIgnoreCase(String? rhs) bool
Compare two strings ignoring case. If rhs is null then returns false. Returns true, if both are the same, ignoring case.
isAscii() bool
returns true if the String only contains ascii characters. (0 - 128)
isBlank() bool
true if the the String is Blank. A string that is zero length or only contains whitespace is considered blank.
isLowerCase() bool
Returns true if the String does not contain upper case letters.
isNotBlank() bool
true if the String is not Blank. A string that is zero length or only contains whitespace is considered blank.
isNumeric() bool
Checks if the String is a number by attempting to parse it as a double. INFINITY and NaN are not treated as numbers.
isUpperCase() bool
Returns true if the String does not contain any lower case letters.
left(int length, {Pad pad = Pad.none}) String
Returns the first length characters from the String. If length is longer than the String then the result is padded according to pad.
reverse() String
Returns a string with reversed order of characters.
Returns the right 'n' characters from the String.
startsWithLowerCase() bool
Returns true if the String starts with a lower case character.
startsWithUpperCase() bool
Returns true if the String starts with an upper case character.
toCamelCase({bool lower = false}) String
Returns the String in the form "UpperCamelCase" or "lowerCamelCase".
toCapitalised() String
Returns the String with the first character capitalized.
toEscaped({String encode(int charCode)?}) String
Returns an escaped string. The following characters are escaped
toPrintable() String
Returns an escaped string. The following characters are escaped
toProperCase() String
Converts the String to proper case by capitalising the first letter of each word and forcing all other characters to lower case.
toSnakeCase() String
Converts the String to snake_case by inserting an underscore before each sequence of upper case letters and changing all upper case letters to lowercase.