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Simple command line application and analyzer plugin to find non translated string literals in dart code. Makes sure when localizing your app that you externalized all strings.

Tries to be smart about ignoring specific strings.

Installation & Usage

$ pub global activate string_literal_finder
$ pub global run string_literal_finder --path=example
2020-08-08 15:11:31.273227 INFO string_literal_finder - Found 1 literals:
2020-08-08 15:11:31.274592 INFO string_literal_finder - lib/example.dart:17:30 'not translated'
Found 1 literals in 1 files.

Integration with IDE analyzer

It is possible to get the warnings directly in your IDE by configuring string_literal_finder as a analyyer plugin.

IDE Warnings

  1. Install dev dependency

    flutter pub add --dev string_literal_finder
    # The above will add the following to your pubspec.yaml
      string_literal_finder: ^1.0.0 # Make sure to use the latest version.
  2. Configure analysis_options.yaml

        - string_literal_finder

    optionally add additional exclude globs to analysis_options.yaml:

        - '**/*.g.dart'
        - '**/*.freezed.dart'
  3. Restart your analyser.

    Restart analyzer


The following dart file:

import 'package:string_literal_finder_annotations/string_literal_finder_annotations.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';

final _logger = Logger('example');

void exampleFunc(@NonNls String ignored, String warning) {}

void main() {
  exampleFunc('Hello world', 'not translated');
  _logger.finer('Lorem ipsum');

  final testMap = nonNls({
    'key': 'value',

String ignoreFunction() {
  // all strings in this function will be ignored.
  return 'foo';

will result in those warnings:

$ dart bin/string_literal_finder.dart --path=example
2020-08-08 14:38:47.800339 INFO string_literal_finder - Found 1 literals:
2020-08-08 14:38:47.801934 INFO string_literal_finder - lib/example.dart:17:30 'not translated'
Found 1 literals in 1 files.

Ignored literal strings

  • Any argument annotated with @NonNls or @NonNlsArg()
  • Anything which is parsed into the nonNls function.
  • Anything passed to logging library Logger class.
  • Any line with a line end comment // NON-NLS


Classes used by the command line utility to find string literals in dart code.