stream_transform library


AsyncExpand on Stream<T>
Alternatives to asyncExpand.
AsyncMap on Stream<T>
Alternatives to asyncMap.
CombineLatest on Stream<T>
Utilities to combine events from multiple streams through a callback or into a list.
Concatenate on Stream<T>
Utilities to append or prepend to a stream.
Merge on Stream<T>
Utilities to interleave events from multiple streams.
RateLimit on Stream<T>
Utilities to rate limit events.
Scan on Stream<T>
A utility similar to fold which emits intermediate accumulations.
Switch on Stream<T>
A utility to take events from the most recent sub stream returned by a callback.
SwitchLatest on Stream<Stream<T>>
A utility to take events from the most recent sub stream.
TakeUntil on Stream<T>
A utility to end a stream based on an external trigger.
Tap on Stream<T>
A utility to chain extra behavior on a stream.
Where on Stream<T>
Utilities to filter events.