Options class

The configuration for a single request. BaseOptions and Options will be merged into one RequestOptions before sending the requests. See Options.compose.


Options({String? method, Duration? sendTimeout, Duration? receiveTimeout, Map<String, dynamic>? extra, Map<String, dynamic>? headers, bool? preserveHeaderCase, ResponseType? responseType, String? contentType, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, bool? receiveDataWhenStatusError, bool? followRedirects, int? maxRedirects, bool? persistentConnection, RequestEncoder? requestEncoder, ResponseDecoder? responseDecoder, ListFormat? listFormat})


contentType String?
The request content-type.
getter/setter pair
extra Map<String, dynamic>?
An extra map that you can retrieve in Interceptor, Transformer and Response.requestOptions.
getter/setter pair
followRedirects bool?
See HttpClientRequest.followRedirects.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers Map<String, dynamic>?
HTTP request headers.
getter/setter pair
listFormat ↔ ListFormat?
Indicates the format of collection data in request query parameters and x-www-url-encoded body data.
getter/setter pair
maxRedirects int?
The maximum number of redirects when followRedirects is true. RedirectException will be thrown if redirects exceeded the limit.
getter/setter pair
method String?
The HTTP request method.
getter/setter pair
persistentConnection bool?
See HttpClientRequest.persistentConnection.
getter/setter pair
preserveHeaderCase bool?
Whether the case of header keys should be preserved.
getter/setter pair
receiveDataWhenStatusError bool?
Whether to retrieve the data if status code indicates a failed request.
getter/setter pair
receiveTimeout Duration?
Timeout when receiving data.
getter/setter pair
requestEncoder ↔ RequestEncoder?
The type of a request encoding callback.
getter/setter pair
responseDecoder ↔ ResponseDecoder?
The type of a response decoding callback.
getter/setter pair
responseType ↔ ResponseType?
The type of data that Dio handles with options.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sendTimeout Duration?
Timeout when sending data.
getter/setter pair
validateStatus ↔ ValidateStatus?
Defines whether the request is considered to be successful with the given status code. The request will be treated as succeed if the callback returns true.
getter/setter pair


compose(BaseOptions baseOpt, String path, {Object? data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress, StackTrace? sourceStackTrace}) RequestOptions
Merge a BaseOptions with the current Options and compose them into the RequestOptions.
copyWith({String? method, Duration? sendTimeout, Duration? receiveTimeout, Map<String, Object?>? extra, Map<String, Object?>? headers, bool? preserveHeaderCase, ResponseType? responseType, String? contentType, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, bool? receiveDataWhenStatusError, bool? followRedirects, int? maxRedirects, bool? persistentConnection, RequestEncoder? requestEncoder, ResponseDecoder? responseDecoder, ListFormat? listFormat}) Options
Create a Option from current instance with merging attributes.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.