injectCRUD<T, P> static method

InjectedCRUD<T, P> injectCRUD<T, P>(
  1. ICRUD<T, P> repository(), {
  2. P param()?,
  3. bool readOnInitialization = false,
  4. OnCRUDSideEffects? onCRUDSideEffects,
  5. SideEffects<List<T>>? sideEffects,
  6. PersistState<List<T>> persist()?,
  7. SnapState<List<T>>? stateInterceptor(
    1. SnapState<List<T>> currentSnap,
    2. SnapState<List<T>> nextSnap
  8. int undoStackLength = 0,
  9. DependsOn<List<T>>? dependsOn,
  10. bool autoDisposeWhenNotUsed = true,
  11. bool isLazy = true,
  12. String? debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
  13. String toDebugString(
    1. List<T>?

Injection of a state that can create, read, update and delete from a backend or database service.

This injected state abstracts the best practices of the clean architecture to come out with a simple, clean, and testable approach to manage CRUD operations.

The approach consists of the following steps:


repository: Required callback that returns an object that implements ICRUD<T, P>

ICRUD<T, P> forces you to implement the following methods:

  1. Future<void> init() to initialize your CRUD service (if it deeds to).

  2. Future<List<T>> read(P? param) to read a list of Items. With param you can parametrize your query Example:

       Future<List<Item>> read(Param? param) async {
         final items = await http.get('uri/${}');
         //After parsing
         return items;
            final items = await http.get('uri/${}/completed');
            return items;
         }else if(param.queryType == 'GetActiveItems'){
           final items = await http.get('uri/${}/active');
            return items;
  3. Future<T> create(T item, P? param) to create on Item

  4. Future<dynamic> update(List<T> items, P? param) to update an item

  5. Future<dynamic> delete(List<T> items, P? param) to delete an item

  6. Future<void> dispose() to dispose resources.

Apart from these five methods, you can define other custom methods and invoke them using InjectedCRUD.getRepoAs method.

param: Optional callback that returns P

The default param object to be used in ICRUD.create,, ICRUD.update, and ICRUD.delete methods.

readOnInitialization: Optional bool. Defaults to false

If true, a read query with the default param will sent to the backend service once the state is initialized.

onCRUDSideEffects: Optional OnCRUDSideEffects object

Use to perform side effects when the app is waiting for a CRUD operation to resolve.

sideEffects: Optional SideEffects

Used to handle side effects when the state is initialized, mutated and disposed of.

Both onCRUDSideEffects and sideEffects used for side effects. These are the differences between them.

  • In pessimistic mode they are equivalent. The onWaiting is called while waiting for the backend service result.
  • In optimistic mode, the difference is in the onWaiting hook. In sideEffects the onWaiting in never called.
  • sideEffects has onData callback.
  • onCRUDSideEffects has onResult callback that exposes the return result for the backend service.

persist: Optional callback that return PersistState

If defined, the state will be persisted.

You have to provide a class that implements IPersistStore and initialize it in the main method.

For example

class IPersistStoreImp implements IPersistStore{
 // ....
void main()async{

 await RM.storageInitializer(IPersistStoreImp());

By default, the state is persisted whenever is mutated, but you can set it to be persisted manually, or once the state is disposed of.

You can debounce and throttle state persistence.

stateInterceptor: Optional callback that exposes the current and

next SnapState This call back is fired after on state mutation and exposes both the current state just before mutation and the next state.

The callback return the next SnapState. It may be the same as the next state or you can change it. Useful in many scenarios where we want to concatenate both current and next snap (fetch for list of items is an example);

undoStackLength: Optional integer

It defines the length of the undo/redo stack. If not defined, the undo/redo is disabled.

For the undo/redo state to work properly, the state must be immutable.

Further on, to undo or redo the state just call Injected.undoState and Injected.redoState

dependsOn: optional DependsOn

Use to defined other injected states that this state depends on. When any of states it depends on is notified, this state is also notified and its creator is re-invoked. The state status will reflect a combination of the state status of dependencies:

  • If any of dependency state isWaiting, this state isWaiting.
  • If any of dependency state hasError, this state hasError.
  • If any of dependency state isIdle, this state isIdle.
  • If all dependency states have data, this state hasData.

autoDisposeWhenNotUsed: Optional bool (Default true)

Whether to auto dispose the injected model when no longer used (listened to).

It is important to note that:

  • A state never listened to for rebuild, never auto dispose even after it is mutated.
  • By default, all states consumed in the widget tree will auto dispose.
  • It is recommended to manually dispose state that are not auto disposed using InjectedBaseState.dispose. You can dispose all states of the app using RM.disposeAll.
  • A state will auto dispose if all states it depends on are disposed of.
  • Non disposed state may lead to unexpected behavior.
  • To debug when state is initialized and disposed of use debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage parameter (See below)

debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage: Optional String

if not null, print an informative message when this model is notified in the debug mode. It prints (FROM ==> TO state). The entered message will pré-append the debug message. Useful if the type of the injected model is primitive to distinguish between them.

toDebugString: Optional callback that exposes the state

String representation of the state to be used in debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage. Useful, for example, if the state is a collection and you want to print its length only.


static InjectedCRUD<T, P> injectCRUD<T, P>(
  ICRUD<T, P> Function() repository, {
  P Function()? param,
  bool readOnInitialization = false,
  OnCRUDSideEffects? onCRUDSideEffects,
  SideEffects<List<T>>? sideEffects,
  PersistState<List<T>> Function()? persist,
  SnapState<List<T>>? Function(
    SnapState<List<T>> currentSnap,
    SnapState<List<T>> nextSnap,
  )? stateInterceptor,
  int undoStackLength = 0,
  DependsOn<List<T>>? dependsOn,
  bool autoDisposeWhenNotUsed = true,
  bool isLazy = true,
  String? debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
  String Function(List<T>?)? toDebugString,
}) {
  return InjectedCRUDImp<T, P>(
    repoCreator: repository,
    param: param,
    readOnInitialization: readOnInitialization,
    stateInterceptor: stateInterceptor,
    sideEffects: sideEffects,
    onCRUDSideEffects: onCRUDSideEffects,
    dependsOn: dependsOn,
    persist: persist,
    undoStackLength: undoStackLength,
    autoDisposeWhenNotUsed: autoDisposeWhenNotUsed,
    debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage: debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
    toDebugString: toDebugString,
  // late final InjectedCRUDImp<T, P> inj;
  // return inj = InjectedCRUDImp<T, P>(
  //   repoCreator: repository,
  //   param: param,
  //   readOnInitialization: readOnInitialization,
  //   onCRUD: onCRUDSideEffects ?? onCRUD,
  //   //
  //   middleSnapState: stateInterceptor != null
  //       ? (middleSnap) => stateInterceptor(
  //             middleSnap.currentSnap,
  //             middleSnap.nextSnap,
  //           )
  //       : middleSnapState,
  //   onInitialized: sideEffects?.initState != null
  //       ? (_) => sideEffects!.initState!()
  //       : onInitialized,
  //   onDisposed: sideEffects?.dispose != null
  //       ? (_) => sideEffects!.dispose!()
  //       : onDisposed,
  //   onSetState: On(
  //     () {
  //       if (sideEffects?.onSetState != null) {
  //         sideEffects!.onSetState!(inj.snapState);
  //       } else {
  //         onSetState?.call(inj.snapState);
  //       }
  //       sideEffects?.onAfterBuild?.call();
  //     },
  //   ),

  //   //
  //   dependsOn: dependsOn,
  //   undoStackLength: undoStackLength,
  //   persist: persist,
  //   autoDisposeWhenNotUsed: autoDisposeWhenNotUsed,
  //   debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage: debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
  //   toDebugString: toDebugString,
  // );