linkToForm method

void linkToForm()


void linkToForm() {
  if (_formIsSet) return;

  form ??= InjectedFormImp._currentInitializedForm;
  if (form != null) {
    _formIsSet = true;
    formFieldDisposer = (form as InjectedFormImp).addTextFieldToForm(this);

    if (form!.autovalidateMode == AutovalidateMode.always) {
      //When initialized and always auto validated, then validate in the next
        (timeStamp) {
    } else {
      if (_validateOnLoseFocus == null && _validateOnValueChange != true) {
        //If the TextField is inside a On.form, set _validateOnLoseFocus to
        //true if it is not
        _validateOnLoseFocus = true;
        if (!_isValidOnLoseFocusDefined) {

  // _removeFromInjectedList = addToInjectedModels(this);
  if (_validator == null) {
    //If the field is not validate then set its snapshot to hasData, so that
    //in the [InjectedForm.isValid] consider it as a valid field
    snapValue = snapValue.copyToHasData(;