InjectedAnimationImp class

InjectedAnimation implementation

Mixed in types
Available Extensions


InjectedAnimationImp({Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 500), Duration? reverseDuration, Curve curve = Curves.linear, Curve? reverseCurve, double? initialValue, double upperBound = 1.0, double lowerBound = 0.0, AnimationBehavior animationBehavior = AnimationBehavior.normal, int? repeats, bool shouldReverseRepeats = false, bool shouldAutoStart = false, void onInitialized(InjectedAnimation)?, void endAnimationListener()?})
InjectedAnimation implementation


animationBehavior AnimationBehavior
The behavior of the controller when AccessibilityFeatures.disableAnimations is true.
animationEndFuture Completer<void>?
Completer that resolves after animation completes
getter/setter pair
autoDisposeWhenNotUsed bool
completer Completer?
getter/setter pairinherited
connectionState ConnectionState
no setterinherited
controller AnimationController?
Get the AnimationController associated with this InjectedAnimation
no setterinherited
creator Object? Function()
curve Curve
The default curve of the animation.
getter/setter pair
curvedAnimation Animation<double>
Get default animation with Tween<double>(begin:0.0, end:1.0) and with the defined curve, Used with Flutter's widgets that end with Transition (ex SlideTransition, RotationTransition)
no setterinherited
customStatus Object?
Custom status of the state. Set manually to mark the state with a particular tag to be used in your logic.
getter/setter pairinherited
duration Duration
The length of time this animation should last.
getter/setter pair
endAnimationListener → (void Function()?)
Callback for side effect to execute after animation ends
error → dynamic
The error
no setterinherited
hasData bool
The state is mutated successfully.
no setterinherited
hasError bool
The stats has error
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasObservers bool
Whether the state has listeners or not
no setterinherited
initialSnapState SnapState<double>
no setterinherited
initialState double?
getter/setter pairinherited
initialValue double?
The AnimationController's value the animation start with.
isAnimating bool
Is animation in course of animating
getter/setter pair
isDone bool
The state is mutated using a stream and the stream is done.
no setterinherited
isIdle bool
The state is initialized and never mutated.
no setterinherited
isInitialized bool
getter/setter pairinherited
isStateInitialized bool
no setterinherited
isWaiting bool
The state is waiting for and asynchronous task to end.
no setterinherited
isWaitingToInitialize bool
getter/setter pairinherited
lowerBound double
The value at which this animation is deemed to be dismissed.
mockableCreator Object? Function()
no setterinherited
observerLength int
no setterinherited
oldSnapState SnapState<double>?
no setterinherited
onInitialized → (void Function(InjectedAnimation)?)
Callback for side effect to execute after animation has been initialized
removeFromReactiveModel VoidCallback?
getter/setter pairinherited
repeatCount int?
repeat counts
getter/setter pair
repeats int?
Number of times the animation should repeat. If 0 animation will repeat indefinitely
getter/setter pair
repeatStatusListenerListener ↔ dynamic Function(AnimationStatus)
repeat status listener
getter/setter pair
reverseCurve Curve?
The curve of the animation when going in reverse.
getter/setter pair
reverseDuration Duration?
The length of time this animation should last when going in reverse.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shouldAutoStart bool
Weather animation is auto start after initialization
shouldReverseRepeats bool
Should reverse animation after it completes
getter/setter pair
skipDismissStatus bool
skip the dismiss status
getter/setter pair
snapState SnapState<double>
A snap representation of the state
no setterinherited
snapValue SnapState<double>
getter/setter pairinherited
state double
The current state
getter/setter pairinherited
stateAsync Future<double>
The current Async state
getter/setter pairinherited
stateInterceptorGlobal StateInterceptor<double>?
subscription StreamSubscription?
It is not null if the state is waiting for a Future or is subscribed to a Stream
getter/setter pairinherited
upperBound double
The value at which this animation is deemed to be completed.


addCleaner(VoidCallback listener) VoidCallback
Add a callback to be executed when the state is disposed of.
addObserver({required ObserveReactiveModel listener, bool shouldAutoClean = false, bool isSideEffects = true}) VoidCallback
Add observer to this state.
addToDidUpdateWidgetListeners(VoidCallback fn) VoidCallback
add to did update widget listeners
addToResetAnimationListeners(VoidCallback fn) VoidCallback
add to did reset widget listeners
cleanState() → void
Clean the state
didUpdateWidget() → void
called OnAnimator widget didUpdateWidget
dispose() → void
Dispose the state
disposeIfNotUsed() → void
Dispose the state if it has no listener
initialize() → void
initializer(TickerProvider ticker) → void
animation initializer
initializeState() FutureOr<double?>
Initialize the state
interceptState(SnapState<double> snap, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor) SnapState<double>?
middleSetCreator(StateStatus status, Object? result) → void
middleSetState(StateStatus status, Object? result, {SideEffects<double>? sideEffects, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor, bool shouldOverrideDefaultSideEffects(SnapState<double>)?}) → dynamic
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notify({SnapState<double>? nextSnap, SideEffects<double>? sideEffects, bool shouldOverrideDefaultSideEffects(SnapState<double>)?, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor}) bool
Notify observers
onAll<R>({R onIdle()?, required R onWaiting()?, required R onError(dynamic error, VoidCallback refreshError)?, required R onData(double data)}) → R
Listen to the injected Model and rebuild when it emits a notification.
onOrElse<R>({R onIdle()?, R onWaiting()?, R onError(dynamic error, VoidCallback refreshError)?, R onData(double data)?, required R orElse(double data)}) → R
Listen to the injected Model and rebuild when it emits a notification.
onStateInitialized() → void
rebuildState() → void
refresh() Future<double>
Update On.animation widgets listening the this animation
resetAnimation({Duration? duration, Duration? reverseDuration, Curve? curve, Curve? reverseCurve, int? repeats, bool? shouldReverseRepeats}) → void
Used to change any of the global parameters fo the animation such as duration, reverseDuration, curve, reverseCurve, repeats and shouldReverseRepeats.
resetDefaultState() → void
setState(Object? mutator(double s), {SideEffects<double>? sideEffects, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor, bool shouldOverrideDefaultSideEffects(SnapState<double> snap)?, int debounceDelay = 0, int throttleDelay = 0}) Future<double?>
Mutate the state of the model and notify observers.
setStateNullable(Object? mutator(double? s), {required void middleSetState(StateStatus, dynamic result), required StackTrace? stackTrace}) FutureOr<double?>
setToHasData(dynamic data, {SideEffects<double>? sideEffects, bool shouldOverrideDefaultSideEffects(SnapState<double>)?, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor}) → void
Set the state to the data status
setToHasError(dynamic error, {StackTrace? stackTrace, VoidCallback? refresher, SideEffects<double>? sideEffects, bool shouldOverrideDefaultSideEffects(SnapState<double>)?, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor}) → void
Set the state to the error status
setToIsIdle([Object? data]) → void
Set the state to the idle status
setToIsWaiting({SideEffects<double>? sideEffects, bool shouldOverrideDefaultSideEffects(SnapState<double>)?, StateInterceptor<double>? stateInterceptor}) → void
Set the state to the waiting status
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
triggerAnimation({bool restart = false}) Future<void>?
Start animation.
whenConnectionState<R>({R onIdle()?, required R onWaiting()?, required R onError(dynamic error)?, required R onData(double data)}) → R


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.