Injected<T> constructor

  1. required T creator(),
  2. T? initialState,
  3. SideEffects<T>? sideEffects,
  4. StateInterceptor<T>? stateInterceptor,
  5. bool autoDisposeWhenNotUsed = true,
  6. String? debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
  7. Object? toDebugString(
    1. T?
  8. int undoStackLength = 0,
  9. PersistState<T> persist()?,
  10. DependsOn<T>? dependsOn,

A Wrapper class that encloses the state of the model we want to Inject. The state can be mutable or immutable and can also be global or local.

Injected model can be instantiated globally or as a member of classes. They can be instantiated inside the build method without losing the state after rebuilds.

  • Injected instantiation: To instantiate an Injected model, you use RM.inject, RM.injectFuture, RM.injectStream or RM.injectFlavor.

  • Injected lifecycle: The state wrapped by the Injected model has a lifecycle. It is created when first used and destroyed when no longer used even if it is declared globally. Between the creation and the destruction of the state, it can be listened to and mutated to notify its registered listeners.

  • Injected state and null safety: The state of an injected model is null safe, that is it can not be null. For this reason the initial state will be inferred by the library, and in case it is not, it must be defined explicitly. The initial state of primitives is inferred as follows: (int: 0, double, 0.0, String:'', and bool: false). For other non-primitive objects the initial state will be the first created instance.

  • Listening to an Injected: To listen to an Injected model you can use one of the following options: ReactiveModelBuilder.listen, ReactiveModelBuilder.futureBuilder, ReactiveModelBuilder.streamBuilder, ReactiveModelBuilder.rebuilder, ReactiveModelBuilder.whenRebuilder, and ReactiveModelBuilder.whenRebuilderOr.

  • Injected state mutation: To mutate the state and notify listeners, you use ReactiveModel.state setter, ReactiveModel.setState, or ReactiveModel.toggle if the state is bool. You can also notify listeners without changing the state using ReactiveModel.notify. You can also refresh the state to its initial state and reinvoke the creation function then notify listeners using ReactiveModel.refresh.

  • Injected state cleaning: When the state is disposed of, its list of listeners is cleared, and if the state is waiting for a Future or subscribed to a Stream, it will cancel them to free resources.

  • State persistence: Injected state can be persisted using PersistState. By default the state is persisted each time the state is mutated. You can set it to persist manually or when the state is disposed. You can also throttle state persistence for the time you want.

  • Undo redo state mutation: You can undo or redo state mutation by defining the undoStackLength parameter of RM.inject RM.injectFuture, RM.injectStream or RM.injectFlavor. After state mutation you can redo it using ReactiveModelUndoRedoState.undoState and redo it using ReactiveModelUndoRedoState.redoState.

  • Injected model dependence Injected models can depend on other Injected models and recalculate its state and notify its listeners whenever any of its of the Inject model that it depends on emits a notification.

  • Injected mock for testing: Injected model can be easily mocked to fake implementation in tests using : Injected.injectMock, Injected.injectFutureMock, or Injected.injectStreamMock.


factory Injected({
  required T Function() creator,
  T? initialState,
  SideEffects<T>? sideEffects,
  StateInterceptor<T>? stateInterceptor,
  bool autoDisposeWhenNotUsed = true,
  String? debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
  Object? Function(T?)? toDebugString,
  int undoStackLength = 0,
  PersistState<T> Function()? persist,
  DependsOn<T>? dependsOn,
}) =>
      creator: creator,
      initialState: initialState,
      sideEffects: sideEffects,
      stateInterceptor: stateInterceptor,
      autoDisposeWhenNotUsed: autoDisposeWhenNotUsed,
      debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage: debugPrintWhenNotifiedPreMessage,
      toDebugString: toDebugString,
      undoStackLength: undoStackLength,
      persist: persist,
      dependsOn: dependsOn,