state_notifier_test library

Support for doing something awesome.

More dartdocs go here.


stateNotifierTest<SN extends StateNotifier<State>, State>(String description, {required FutureOr actions(SN stateNotifier), FutureOr<void> setUp()?, FutureOr<void> verify(SN stateNotifier)?, FutureOr<void> tearDown()?, required List<State> expect(), Iterable<State> seed()?, int skip = 0, required SN build(), dynamic errors()?, bool expectInitialState = false}) → void
Creates a new stateNotifier-specific test case with the given description. stateNotifierTest will handle asserting that the stateNotifier emits the expected states (in order) after action is executed. stateNotifierTest also handles ensuring that no additional states are emitted by closing the stateNotifier stream before evaluating the expectation.
testNotifier<SN extends StateNotifier<State>, State>({required FutureOr actions(SN stateNotifier), required List<State> expect(), required SN build(), Iterable<State> seed()?, FutureOr<void> verify(SN stateNotifier)?, FutureOr<void> tearDown()?, dynamic errors()?, FutureOr<void> setUp()?, required int skip, bool expectInitialState = false}) Future<void>
Internal stateNotifierTest runner which is only visible for testing. This should never be used directly -- please use stateNotifierTest instead.