stash_file library

Provides a file implementation of the stash caching API for Dart


File based implemention of a CacheStore


newLocalDiskCache({String? path, String? cacheName, ExpiryPolicy? expiryPolicy, KeySampler? sampler, EvictionPolicy? evictionPolicy, int? maxEntries, CacheLoader? cacheLoader, CacheCodec? codec, dynamic fromEncodable(dynamic)?}) → Cache
Creates a new Cache backed by a local DiskStore
newMemoryDiskCache({String? path, String? cacheName, ExpiryPolicy? expiryPolicy, KeySampler? sampler, EvictionPolicy? evictionPolicy, int? maxEntries, CacheLoader? cacheLoader, CacheCodec? codec, dynamic fromEncodable(dynamic)?}) → Cache
Creates a new Cache backed by a in-memory DiskStore