analyzer topic

The analyzer can read files and return metadata about (dart) classes. This metadata can then be read and written as JSON files. The analyzer supports:

  1. Any .dart file containing valid dart classes.
  2. Metadata file in AST JSON format (see AST documentation).

What's the point?
The simplified metadata only contains information about data classes, meaning their field names, types and nullability. The lack of complexity greatly simplifies processing this data.

Using JSON as input/output makes it easier to use the analyzer in conjunction with other tools in different programming languages. For example analysis could be done on Kotlin data classes using a Kotlin compiler plugin which then stores the result as JSON. The Squint analyzer can then read this metadata JSON and generate dart code (see Generator).

Using analyzer programmatically

The analyzer returns CustomType instances which can be used to generate code or do other operations.

import "package:squint_json/squint_json.dart";

void main() {
  final metadata = analyze(pathToFile: "foo/bar.dart");

  for(final object in metadata) {
    // Calls toString method of CustomType

Analysing String content directly is also possible.

import "package:squint_json/squint_json.dart";

void main() {
  const content = """
    class SimpleResponse {
        required this.a1,
      final int a1;
      final String? a2;
  final metadata = analyze(fileContent: content);

  for(final object in metadata) {
    // Calls toString method of CustomType

Note that analyzing code will fail if the code is not valid dart. This includes errors like missing imports, brackets or other syntactical issues.

The analysis result can be stored as JSON metadata by specifying an output folder. A File will be created for each CustomType.

import "package:squint_json/squint_json.dart";

void main() {
    pathToFile: "foo/bar.dart",
    pathToOutputFolder: "foo/metadata",
  // Metadata JSON is now stored in foo/metadata.

By default, existing metadata files will not be overwritten. This can be changed by setting the overwrite parameter.

import "package:squint_json/squint_json.dart";

void main() {
      pathToFile: "foo/bar.dart",
      pathToOutputFolder: "foo",
      overwrite: true,

A SquintException is thrown if overwrite parameter is not specified (or set to false) and the metadata JSON is already present.

Using analyzer from cli

To analyse a file from the command-line, one should specify an input file and an output folder using --input and --output respectively.

flutter pub run squint_json:analyze --input foo/some_class_file.dart --output foo/bar/output

Use --overwrite parameter to allow overriding existing metadata JSON files.

flutter pub run squint_json:analyze --input foo/some_class_file.dart --output foo/bar/output --overwrite true


Given a valid dart class declaration:

class SimpleResponse {
    required this.a1,

  final int a1;
  final String? a2;

Will return a CustomType instance:

  • className: SimpleResponse
  • members: IntType a1, NullableStringType a2

Given a valid CustomType metadata JSON:

  "className": "MyResponse",
  "members": [ 
        "name": "a1",
        "type": "int",
        "nullable": false
          "name": "a2",
          "type": "String",
          "nullable": true

Will return a CustomType instance:

  • className: MyResponse
  • members: IntType a1, NullableStringType a2

Given a valid EnumType metadata JSON:

  "className": "MyResponse",
  "values": [ 
  "valuesJSON": [

Will return a CustomType instance:

  • className: MyResponse
  • values: "FOO", "BAR"
  • valuesJSON: "foo", "bar"

The valuesJSON list is optional which can be used to differentiate between member names of an enum and how they should be serialized in a JSON String.


metadataMarkerPrefix → const String analyzer
Marker prefix used for metadata debug files.


analyze({String? pathToFile, String? fileContent, String? pathToOutputFolder, bool overwrite = true}) AnalysisResult analyzer
The analyzer can read files and return metadata about (dart) classes.