prepare abstract method

  1. @override
PreparedStatement prepare(
  1. String sql, {
  2. bool persistent = false,
  3. bool vtab = true,
  4. bool checkNoTail = false,

Compiles the sql statement to execute it later.

The persistent flag can be used as a hint to the query planner that the statement will be retained for a long time and probably reused many times. Without this flag, sqlite assumes that the prepared statement will be used just once or at most a few times before CommonPreparedStatement.dispose is called. If vtab is disabled (it defaults to true) and the statement references a virtual table, prepare throws an exception. For more information on the optional parameters, see the sqlite documentation If checkNoTail is enabled (it defaults to false) and the sql string contains trailing data, an exception will be thrown and the statement will not be executed.


PreparedStatement prepare(String sql,
    {bool persistent = false, bool vtab = true, bool checkNoTail = false});