createQuery abstract method

  1. @useResult
Stream<Query> createQuery(
  1. String table, {
  2. bool? distinct,
  3. List<String>? columns,
  4. String? where,
  5. List<Object?>? whereArgs,
  6. String? groupBy,
  7. String? having,
  8. String? orderBy,
  9. int? limit,
  10. int? offset,

Create an stream which will notify subscribers with a Query query for execution.

Subscribers will receive an immediate notification for initial data as well as subsequent notifications for when the supplied table data changes through the operations: insert, update, delete. Unsubscribe when you no longer want updates to a query.

Note: To skip the immediate notification and only receive subsequent notifications when data has changed call skip(1) on the returned stream.

Warning: this method does not perform the query! Only by subscribing to the returned Stream will the operation occur.


Stream<Query> createQuery(
  String table, {
  bool? distinct,
  List<String>? columns,
  String? where,
  List<Object?>? whereArgs,
  String? groupBy,
  String? having,
  String? orderBy,
  int? limit,
  int? offset,