queryCursor method

  1. @override
Future<QueryCursor> queryCursor(
  1. String table, {
  2. bool? distinct,
  3. List<String>? columns,
  4. String? where,
  5. List<Object?>? whereArgs,
  6. String? groupBy,
  7. String? having,
  8. String? orderBy,
  9. int? limit,
  10. int? offset,
  11. int? bufferSize,

See DatabaseExecutor.rawQueryCursor for details about the argument bufferSize See DatabaseExecutor.query for the other arguments.


Future<sqlite_api.QueryCursor> queryCursor(
  String table, {
  bool? distinct,
  List<String>? columns,
  String? where,
  List<Object?>? whereArgs,
  String? groupBy,
  String? having,
  String? orderBy,
  int? limit,
  int? offset,
  int? bufferSize,
}) =>
      distinct: distinct,
      columns: columns,
      where: where,
      whereArgs: whereArgs,
      groupBy: groupBy,
      having: having,
      orderBy: orderBy,
      limit: limit,
      offset: offset,
      bufferSize: bufferSize,