sqflite_entities_annotations library


Use this annotation to mark some model as needed to be stored in Sqlite storage; For model annotated by SqlEntityDefinition Sqlite Engine will create the table named as tableName; More over, use can specify some additional fields using the fields property, if you want to save not only model fields (see more details in SqlField)
SqlField<TIn, TOut>
Use this annotation to mark model property as needed to be stored in Sqlite storage; More over, Use can specify some additional fields using the SqlEntityDefinition.fields property, if you want to save not only model fields (see more details in SqlField)
Sqlite Field Type to specify a format use to store some model property; Keep in the mind that you can specify some converter function to transform data from/to Model/Sqlite using the SqlField.toRawData / SqlField.fromRawData;


DataConverter<TIn, TOut> = TOut Function(TIn)