containsInOrder method

void containsInOrder(
  1. Iterable<String> expected

Expects that the String contains each of the sub strings in expected in the given order, with any content between them.

For example, the following will succeed:



void containsInOrder(Iterable<String> expected) {
  context.expect(() => prefixFirst('contains, in order: ', literal(expected)),
      (actual) {
    var fromIndex = 0;
    for (var s in expected) {
      var index = actual.indexOf(s, fromIndex);
      if (index < 0) {
        return Rejection(which: [
              'does not have a match for the substring ', literal(s)),
          if (fromIndex != 0)
            'following the other matches up to character $fromIndex'
      fromIndex = index + s.length;
    return null;