StringChecks extension



length Subject<int>
no setter


contains(Pattern pattern) → void
Expects that the value contains pattern according to String.contains;
containsInOrder(Iterable<String> expected) → void
Expects that the String contains each of the sub strings in expected in the given order, with any content between them.
endsWith(String other) → void
equals(String expected) → void
Expects that the String contains exactly the same code units as expected.
equalsIgnoringCase(String expected) → void
Expects that the String contains the same characters as expected if both were lower case.
equalsIgnoringWhitespace(String expected) → void
Expects that the String contains the same content as expected, ignoring differences in whitsepace.
isEmpty() → void
isNotEmpty() → void
matchesPattern(Pattern expected) → void
Expects that the string matches the pattern expected.
startsWith(Pattern other) → void