SkeletonDrawable class

A SkeletonDrawable bundles loading, updating, and rendering an Atlas, Skeleton, and AnimationState into a single easy to use class.

Use the fromAsset, fromFile, or fromHttp methods to construct a SkeletonDrawable. To have multiple skeleton drawable instances share the same Atlas and SkeletonData, use the constructor.

You can then directly access the atlas, skeletonData, skeleton, animationStateData, and animationState to query and animate the skeleton. Use the AnimationState to queue animations on one or more tracks via AnimationState.setAnimation or AnimationState.addAnimation.

To update the AnimationState and apply it to the Skeleton call the update function, providing it a delta time in seconds to advance the animations.

To render the current pose of the Skeleton, use the rendering methods render, renderToCanvas, renderToPictureRecorder, renderToPng, or renderToRawImageData, depending on your needs.

When the skeleton drawable is no longer needed, call the dispose method to release its resources. If the skeleton drawable was constructed from a shared Atlas and SkeletonData, make sure to dispose the atlas and skeleton data as well, if no skeleton drawable references them anymore.


SkeletonDrawable(Atlas atlas, SkeletonData skeletonData, bool _ownsAtlasAndSkeletonData)
Constructs a new skeleton drawable from the given (possibly shared) Atlas and SkeletonData. If the atlas and skeleton data are not shared, the drawable can take ownership by passing true for _ownsAtlasAndSkeletonData. In that case a call to dispose will also dispose the atlas and skeleton data.


animationState AnimationState
animationStateData AnimationStateData
atlas Atlas
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
skeleton Skeleton
skeletonData SkeletonData


dispose() → void
Disposes the skeleton drawable's resources. If the skeleton drawable owns the atlas and skeleton data, they are disposed as well. Must be called when the skeleton drawable is no longer in use.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
render() List<RenderCommand>
Renders to current skeleton pose to a list of RenderCommand instances. The render commands can be rendered via Canvas.drawVertices.
renderToCanvas(Canvas canvas) List<RenderCommand>
Renders the skeleton drawable's current pose to the given canvas. Does not perform any scaling or fitting.
renderToPictureRecorder(double width, double height, int bgColor) PictureRecorder
Renders the skeleton drawable's current pose to a PictureRecorder with the given width and height. Uses bgColor, a 32-bit ARGB color value, to paint the background. Scales and centers the skeleton to fit the within the bounds of width and height.
renderToPng(double width, double height, int bgColor) Future<Uint8List>
Renders the skeleton drawable's current pose to a PNG encoded in a Uint8List, with the given width and height. Uses bgColor, a 32-bit ARGB color value, to paint the background. Scales and centers the skeleton to fit the within the bounds of width and height.
renderToRawImageData(double width, double height, int bgColor) Future<RawImageData>
Renders the skeleton drawable's current pose to a RawImageData, with the given width and height. Uses bgColor, a 32-bit ARGB color value, to paint the background. Scales and centers the skeleton to fit the within the bounds of width and height.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(double delta) → void
Updates the AnimationState using the delta time given in seconds, applies the animation state to the Skeleton and updates the world transforms of the skeleton to calculate its current pose.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromAsset(String atlasFile, String skeletonFile, {AssetBundle? bundle}) Future<SkeletonDrawable>
Constructs a new skeleton drawable from the atlasFile and skeletonFile from the root asset bundle or the optionally provided bundle.
fromFile(String atlasFile, String skeletonFile) Future<SkeletonDrawable>
Constructs a new skeleton drawable from the atlasFile and skeletonFile.
fromHttp(String atlasUrl, String skeletonUrl) Future<SkeletonDrawable>
Constructs a new skeleton drawable from the atlasUrl and skeletonUrl.