spec library


A base class holding matchers
ExpectationBase<Actual, Return, Param>
Internals for expect Internals for expect
A class holding matchers for Function()
A class holding matchers for Futures
A class exposing custom expectations for streams


BoolExpectation on ExpectationBase<Object?, Return, bool>
Matchers for booleans
ErrorExpectation on ExpectationBase<Object?, Return, Actual>
Matchers against errors
FunctionExpectationMapper on Expectation<FnReturn Function()>
Matchers for Functions()
FutureExpectationMapper on Expectation<Future<Actual>>
Matchers for futures
ListExpectation on ExpectationBase<Object?, Return, List<Param>>
Matchers for Lists
MapExpectationX on ExpectationBase<Map<KeyParam, ValueParam>, Return, Map<KeyParam, ValueParam>>
Matchers for Maps
NumExpectation on ExpectationBase<Object?, Return, num>
Matchers for numbers
StreamExpectationExt on Expectation<Stream<Actual>>
Matchers for Streams
StringExpectation on ExpectationBase<Object?, Return, String>
Matchers for Strings


expect<Actual>(Actual value) Expectation<Actual>
Perform expectations in a type safe way
group(Object? description, dynamic body(), {String? testOn, Timeout? timeout, Object? skip, Object? tags, Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform, int? retry, bool solo = false}) → void
Creates a group of tests.
setUp(dynamic callback()) → void
Registers a function to be run before tests.
setUpAll(dynamic callback()) → void
Registers a function to be run once before all tests.
tearDown(dynamic callback()) → void
Registers a function to be run after tests.
tearDownAll(dynamic callback()) → void
Registers a function to be run once after all tests.
test(Object? description, dynamic body(), {String? testOn, Timeout? timeout, Object? skip, Object? tags, Map<String, dynamic>? onPlatform, int? retry, bool solo = false}) → void
Creates a new test case with the given description (converted to a string) and body.