spellingCheck method
spellingCheck is a class for making HTTP requests to the ZEMBEREK API using the word
Future<String> spellingCheck(String word) async {
try {
var url = (Uri.parse('$ipAdresi:$port/spelling_check'));
var res = await http.post(url, body: {'word': word});
var body = res.body;
var decoded = jsonDecode(body);
var cevap = decoded["is_correct"];
return cevap.toString();
} catch (e) {
var hata = e.toString();
if (hata.contains('NoSuchMethodError')) {
var sozlukanlam = "Probably System Error. Open an issue on GitHub.";
return sozlukanlam;
} else {
var sozlukanlam = e.toString();
return sozlukanlam;