source_gen_test_golden library


Specifies that the expected output for code generation on the annotated member is to match the file contents.


buildLogItems List<String>
no setter


clearBuildLog() → void
generateForElement<T>(GeneratorForAnnotation<T> generator, LibraryReader libraryReader, String name) Future<String>
initializeBuildLogTracking() → void
Initializes tracking of build events from log for every test in the current context.
initializeLibraryReader(Map<String, String> contentMap, String targetLibraryFileName) Future<LibraryReader>
Returns a LibraryReader for library specified by targetLibraryFileName using the file contents described by contentMap.
initializeLibraryReaderForDirectory(String sourceDirectory, String targetLibraryFileName) Future<PathAwareLibraryReader>
Returns a LibraryReader for library specified by targetLibraryFileName using the files in sourceDirectory.
testAnnotatedElements<T>(LibraryReader libraryReader, GeneratorForAnnotation<T> defaultGenerator, {Map<String, GeneratorForAnnotation<T>>? additionalGenerators, Iterable<String>? expectedAnnotatedTests, Iterable<String>? defaultConfiguration}) → void
If defaultConfiguration is not provided or null, "default" and the keys from additionalGenerators (if provided) are used.
throwsInvalidGenerationSourceError(Object messageMatcher, {Object? todoMatcher, Object? elementMatcher}) → Matcher
Returns a Matcher that matches a thrown InvalidGenerationSourceError with InvalidGenerationSourceError.message that matches messageMatcher, and InvalidGenerationSourceError.todo that matches todoMatcher and InvalidGenerationSourceError.element that isNotNull.