PlaylistSearchResult class abstract

Implemented types


PlaylistSearchResult({required Uri? artworkUrl, required DateTime createdAt, required String? description, required double duration, required String? genre, required int id, required String? labelName, required DateTime? lastModified, @JsonKey(defaultValue: 0) required double likesCount, required Uri permalinkUrl, @JsonKey(defaultValue: 0) required double repostsCount, required String? tagList, required String title, required bool isAlbum, required MiniUser user, @JsonKey(defaultValue: 0) required double trackCount})
PlaylistSearchResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


artworkUrl Uri?
The URL of this playlist's thumbnail.
no setteroverride
copyWith → _$$PlaylistSearchResultImplCopyWith<_$PlaylistSearchResultImpl>
no setter
createdAt DateTime
no setter
description String?
no setter
duration double
The total duration of all track's in this playlist.
no setteroverride
genre String?
The genre of music this playlist belongs to.
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id int
no setter
isAlbum bool
Whether or not this playlist is identified as an album.
no setteroverride
labelName String?
The record label associated with this playlist.
no setteroverride
lastModified DateTime?
no setter
likesCount double
no setter
permalinkUrl Uri
no setter
repostsCount double
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
tagList String?
A comma-separated list of tags applied to this playlist.
no setteroverride
title String
The title of this playlist.
no setteroverride
trackCount double
The number of tracks in this playlist.
no setteroverride
user → MiniUser
The user that created this playlist.
no setteroverride


map<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult track(TrackSearchResult value), required TResult playlist(PlaylistSearchResult value), required TResult user(UserSearchResult value)}) → TResult
mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? track(TrackSearchResult value)?, TResult? playlist(PlaylistSearchResult value)?, TResult? user(UserSearchResult value)?}) → TResult?
maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({TResult track(TrackSearchResult value)?, TResult playlist(PlaylistSearchResult value)?, TResult user(UserSearchResult value)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult track(Uri? artworkUrl, String? caption, bool commentable, double commentCount, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double downloadCount, double duration, double fullDuration, String? genre, int id, String? labelName, DateTime? lastModified, String? license, double likesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double playbackCount, String? purchaseTitle, String? purchaseUrl, double repostsCount, String? tagList, String title, String waveformUrl, String monetizationModel, String policy, MiniUser user)?, TResult playlist(Uri? artworkUrl, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double duration, String? genre, int id, String? labelName, DateTime? lastModified, double likesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double repostsCount, String? tagList, String title, bool isAlbum, MiniUser user, double trackCount)?, TResult user(Uri? avatarUrl, Uri? bannerLink, Uri? bannerUrl, String? city, double commentsCount, String? countryCode, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double followersCount, double followingsCount, String? firstName, String? fullName, double groupsCount, int id, DateTime? lastModified, String? lastName, double likesCount, double playlistLikesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double playlistCount, double repostsCount, double trackCount, String username, bool isVerified)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult track(Uri? artworkUrl, String? caption, bool commentable, double commentCount, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double downloadCount, double duration, double fullDuration, String? genre, int id, String? labelName, DateTime? lastModified, String? license, double likesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double playbackCount, String? purchaseTitle, String? purchaseUrl, double repostsCount, String? tagList, String title, String waveformUrl, String monetizationModel, String policy, MiniUser user), required TResult playlist(Uri? artworkUrl, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double duration, String? genre, int id, String? labelName, DateTime? lastModified, double likesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double repostsCount, String? tagList, String title, bool isAlbum, MiniUser user, double trackCount), required TResult user(Uri? avatarUrl, Uri? bannerLink, Uri? bannerUrl, String? city, double commentsCount, String? countryCode, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double followersCount, double followingsCount, String? firstName, String? fullName, double groupsCount, int id, DateTime? lastModified, String? lastName, double likesCount, double playlistLikesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double playlistCount, double repostsCount, double trackCount, String username, bool isVerified)}) → TResult
whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? track(Uri? artworkUrl, String? caption, bool commentable, double commentCount, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double downloadCount, double duration, double fullDuration, String? genre, int id, String? labelName, DateTime? lastModified, String? license, double likesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double playbackCount, String? purchaseTitle, String? purchaseUrl, double repostsCount, String? tagList, String title, String waveformUrl, String monetizationModel, String policy, MiniUser user)?, TResult? playlist(Uri? artworkUrl, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double duration, String? genre, int id, String? labelName, DateTime? lastModified, double likesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double repostsCount, String? tagList, String title, bool isAlbum, MiniUser user, double trackCount)?, TResult? user(Uri? avatarUrl, Uri? bannerLink, Uri? bannerUrl, String? city, double commentsCount, String? countryCode, DateTime createdAt, String? description, double followersCount, double followingsCount, String? firstName, String? fullName, double groupsCount, int id, DateTime? lastModified, String? lastName, double likesCount, double playlistLikesCount, Uri permalinkUrl, double playlistCount, double repostsCount, double trackCount, String username, bool isVerified)?}) → TResult?


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.