authenticate function

Future<Map> authenticate(
  1. Uri issuerUri,
  2. List<String> scopes,
  3. BuildContext context

The authentication function


Future<Map> authenticate(
    Uri issuerUri, List<String> scopes, BuildContext context) async {
  /// Platform type parameter
  String platformType;

  /// Re-direct URIs
  String redirUrl;
  List redirUriList;

  /// Authentication method
  String authMethod;

  /// Authentication response
  Credential authResponse;

  /// Output data from the authentication
  Map authData;

  /// Check the platform
  if (currPlatform.isWeb()) {
    platformType = 'web';
  } else if (currPlatform.isAppOS()) {
    platformType = 'mobile';
  } else {
    platformType = 'desktop';

  /// Get issuer metatada
  Issuer issuer = await;

  /// Get end point URIs
  String regEndpoint = issuer.metadata['registration_endpoint'];
  String tokenEndpoint = issuer.metadata['token_endpoint'];
  var authMethods = issuer.metadata['token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported'];

  if (authMethods is String) {
    authMethod = authMethods;
  } else {
    if (authMethods.contains('client_secret_basic')) {
      authMethod = 'client_secret_basic';
    } else {
      authMethod = authMethods[1];

  if (platformType == 'web') {
    redirUrl = authManager.getWebUrl();
    redirUriList = [redirUrl];
  } else {
    redirUrl = 'http://localhost:$_port/';
    redirUriList = ['http://localhost:$_port/'];

  /// Dynamic registration of the client (our app)
  var regResponse =
      await clientDynamicReg(regEndpoint, redirUriList, authMethod, scopes);

  /// Decode the registration details
  var regResJson = jsonDecode(regResponse);

  /// Generating the RSA key pair
  Map rsaResults = await genRsaKeyPair();
  var rsaKeyPair = rsaResults['rsa'];
  var publicKeyJwk = rsaResults['pubKeyJwk'];

  ///Generate DPoP token using the RSA private key
  String dPopToken =
      genDpopToken(tokenEndpoint, rsaKeyPair, publicKeyJwk, "POST");

  final String _clientId = regResJson['client_id'];
  final String _clientSecret = regResJson['client_secret'];
  var client = Client(issuer, _clientId, clientSecret: _clientSecret);

  if (platformType != 'web') {
    /// Create a function to open a browser with an url
    urlLauncher(String url) async {
      // if (await canLaunch(url)) {
      //   await launch(url, forceWebView: true, enableJavaScript: true);
      // } else {
      //   throw 'Could not launch $url';
      // }

      if (await canLaunchUrl(Uri.parse(url))) {
        await launchUrl(Uri.parse(url));
      } else {
        throw 'Could not launch $url';

    /// create an authenticator
    var authenticator = oidc_mobile.Authenticator(
      scopes: scopes,
      port: _port,
      urlLancher: urlLauncher,
      redirectUri: Uri.parse(redirUrl),
      popToken: dPopToken,

    /// starts the authentication + authorisation process
    authResponse = await authenticator.authorize();

    /// close the webview when finished
    /// closing web view function does not work in Windows applications
    if (platformType == 'mobile') {
  } else {
    ///create an authenticator
    var authenticator =
        authManager.createAuthenticator(client, scopes, dPopToken);

    var oidc = authManager.getOidcWeb();
    var callbackUri = await oidc.authorizeInteractive(
        context: context,
        title: 'authProcess',
        authorizationUrl: authenticator.flow.authenticationUri.toString(),
        redirectUrl: redirUrl,
        popupWidth: 700,
        popupHeight: 500);

    var regResponse = Uri.parse(callbackUri).queryParameters;
    authResponse = await authenticator.flow.callback(regResponse);

  /// The following function call first check if the existing access token
  /// is expired or not.
  /// If its not expired then returns the token data as a token object
  /// If expired then run the refresh token and get a new token and
  /// returns the new token data as a token object

  var tokenResponse = await authResponse.getTokenResponse();
  String? accessToken = tokenResponse.accessToken;

  /// Generate the logout URL
  final _logoutUrl = authResponse.generateLogoutUrl().toString();

  /// Store authentication data
  authData = {
    'client': client,
    'rsaInfo': rsaResults,
    'authResponse': authResponse,
    'tokenResponse': tokenResponse,
    'accessToken': accessToken,
    'idToken': tokenResponse.idToken,
    'refreshToken': tokenResponse.refreshToken,
    'expiresIn': tokenResponse.expiresIn,
    'logoutUrl': _logoutUrl

  return authData;