Instant constructor

  1. required int year,
  2. int month = 1,
  3. int day = 1,
  4. int hour = 0,
  5. int minute = 0,
  6. int second = 0,
  7. double timeZoneOffset = 0.0,

Creates a new Instant. The Instant will be created in the UTC time zone unless a timeZoneOffset is specified. If so, it must be in hours from UTC and it can be positive or negative.

For example, to create a Instant object representing the 12th of March 2021 at 1:15pm in the UTC+02:00 time zone:

var instant = Instant(year: 2021, month: 03, day: 12, hour: 13, minute: 15, second: 0, timeZoneOffset: 2.0);


  required this.year,
  this.month = 1, = 1,
  this.hour = 0,
  this.minute = 0,
  this.second = 0,
  this.timeZoneOffset = 0.0,