Instant.fromDateTime constructor

  1. DateTime dateTime, {
  2. double? timeZoneOffset,

Creates a new Instant from the given dateTime. The Instant will be created in the time zone of the dateTime unless a timeZoneOffset is specified. If so, it will be created in the time zone corresponding to that offset from UTC.

Example (local time zone is UTC+02:00):

var instant = Instant.fromDateTime(DateTime(2021, 05, 09, 13, 00), timezoneOffset: 4.0);
print(instant.toIso8601String()); //2021-05-09T17:00:00+04:00

If no timeZoneOffset is specified, the Instant object is created in the same time zone as the dateTime object. Example:

var instantNow = Instant.fromDateTime(;
// The timezone offset of instantNow will be 0.0 hour.


Instant.fromDateTime(DateTime dateTime, {double? timeZoneOffset})
    : timeZoneOffset = (timeZoneOffset != null) ? timeZoneOffset : dateTime.timeZoneOffset.totalHours {
  final offsetDateTime =
      (timeZoneOffset == null) ? dateTime : dateTime.toUtc().add(Timespan.fromHours(timeZoneOffset));

  year = offsetDateTime.year;
  month = offsetDateTime.month;
  day =;
  hour = offsetDateTime.hour;
  minute = offsetDateTime.minute;
  second = offsetDateTime.second;