types library



AssociationKeypair = KeyPair<EcdsaPrivateKey, EcdsaPublicKey>
AssociationToken = String
A base-64 URL encoding of an ECDSA public keypoint on the P-256 curve.
AuthToken = String
An opaque string representing a unique identifying token issued by the wallet endpoint to the dApp endpoint. The format and contents are an implementation detail of the wallet endpoint. The dApp endpoint can use this on future connections to reauthorize access to privileged methods.
SessionKeypair = KeyPair<EcdhPrivateKey, EcdhPublicKey>
An EC keypair on the P-256 curve used to begin a Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange.
SharedSeckey = AesGcmSecretKey
A shared secret key calculated by the dApp and wallet endpoints.