getVoteAccounts abstract method

Future<VoteAccounts> getVoteAccounts({
  1. Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized,
  2. String? votePubKey,
  3. bool? keepUnstakedDelinquents,
  4. int? delinquentSlotDistance,

Returns the account info and associated stake for all the voting accounts in the current bank.

commitment For commitment parameter description see this document Commitment.processed is not supported as commitment.

votePubKey Only return results for this validator vote address (base-58 encoded)

keepUnstakedDelinquents Do not filter out delinquent validators with no stake

delinquentSlotDistance Specify the number of slots behind the tip that a validator must fall to be considered delinquent. NOTE: For the sake of consistency between ecosystem products, it is not recommended that this argument be specified.


Future<VoteAccounts> getVoteAccounts({
  Commitment? commitment = Commitment.finalized,
  String? votePubKey,
  bool? keepUnstakedDelinquents,
  int? delinquentSlotDistance,